10 Things You Didn’t Know about Elle Watson

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Elle Watson

It is not a big secret that the reality show Netflix has been talking about since pandemic times is finally here. The “Byron Baes” is going to be a show about a lot of Byron Bay’s local celebrities. There are a lot of reality stars, some Instagram influencers, some actors, and so many additional people who do big things with their lives while all living in the same Australian area. The cast has finally been revealed, people are so excited, and we have the information you’ve been looking for on new cast member Elle Watson. She’s here, she’s excited, and she will have many fans.

1. She is a Business Woman

One thing that she has going for her in life is her dedication to being a businesswoman. She’s an investor, and she has more than 14 years of experience in the industry doing what she loves and working with companies she feels are beneficial not only to her but also to the environment.

2. She’s Not a Talker, She’s a Doer

Some people like to talk about everything they are doing in life. This is a woman who enjoys simply doing things that she wants to do. She doesn’t discuss her dreams and her plans, she executes them. That’s the difference between those who succeed and those who do not.

3. She is a Great Communicator

One of her greatest skills is that she is an amazing communicator. Her life is, after all, all about communication per her business. She has the skillset to discuss business, to discuss policy, and to be sure she is getting exactly what she wants done by effectively communicating that desire immediately.

4. She is Passionate About the Environment

Perhaps her biggest passion in life is making the world a little friendlier to the environment. She is not someone who likes to sit back and allow the world to be tarnished and further damaged by humankind, so she works tirelessly to ensure this is not happening on her watch.

5. She is Working on Making the World Better

Her entire goal each year is to leave the world at the end of the year a much better place than it was at the beginning. She is not looking to do things halfway, either. She works closely with many organizations whose direct goal is to help the environment and the world, and she puts forth ample effort, time, and money into making sure she does her part.

6. She Created a Venture Capital Company

Her baby is her venture capital company called ONE, Sustainability Fund. It is her fun that works hard to address the needs and issues of climate change, the environment, and the imbalances she feels come along with those things. She works with her company to ensure that she is taking care of the businesses that are worth her time and meet her needs as far as protecting the world.

7. She is a Traveler

She loves the world, and she loves to see it. She does her best to get to as many different places as she can as often as she can. She’s constantly on a plane traveling the world to see what climate change is doing to it, and to help her own itch to see the many beautiful places the world has to offer.

8. She Loves Fashion

She might be a businesswoman at heart, but that does not mean she doesn’t enjoy fashion. She finds a great deal of pleasure in finding styles that work for her, in trying new looks, and in being herself. She expresses herself through her clothing and the items she wears, and those things are of the utmost importance to her.

9. She’s Concerned About Her Health

If there is one thing she is not worried about, it’s being unhealthy. She takes good care of herself. Elle Watson eats well, she works out, and she takes care of her body from the inside out. She knows the power of good health, and she works on that daily.

10. She Knows Her Flow

There is something important to Elle Watson, and that is being sure she knows how to focus on her daily successes. She knows that there are a few things she has to do daily if she wants to live her best life and focus on what is most important to her. Those things include, but are not limited to, physical activity and gratitude, meditation, good sleep, music, and being creative. She’s not wrong about any of those.

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