The DCU MUST Recast The Flash (And We Know The Perfect Choice)

The Flash is finally on track for a summer release, but its biggest problem still lies with its lead actor and makes a recast necessary for the future of the DCU. Based on comments after preliminary screenings, the rumors are that The Flash is set to be an excellent movie. While there may yet be some final tweaks before the movie’s release, reactions are undeniably favorable. The word goes that audiences can expect time paradoxes and other classic comic book shenanigans, with one filmmaker calling it “one of the best superhero movies ever” (via Twitter). The biggest complaint voiced so far comes down to the involvement of one person. Ezra Miller.

The Flash is one of DC’s most famous superheroes, and one of the core members of the Justice League, a prominent team of superheroes both on-screen and off. The upcoming movie, though, is the end result of a very long and rocky road, having originally begun development in the 1980s! In 2014, the movie was reshaped to fit into the DCEU, and several directors have joined the project only to leave over “creative differences.” The current incarnation is based on the famous Flashpoint storyline from the comic books. It features an ensemble of DC characters including Batman, played by both Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton.

Why Ezra Miller Can’t Keep Playing The Flash

Ezra Miller as The Flash

There’s no denying that Ezra Miller is an accomplished actor, and they were first cast for The Flash in 2014. They made fleeting appearances in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, before the character’s true debut in Justice League. One of Miller’s competitors for casting was Grant Gustin who plays the same character in the CW series The Flash – a show on which Miller’s version of the character even made a cameo appearance during the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover story. Unfortunately, since 2020, Miller has developed a laundry list of accusations of abusive and criminal behavior. While reports are that “Ezra Miller is totally committed to their recovery,” many people remain cautious.

A representative has since attempted to apologize for Miller’s behavior, stating that they’re undergoing mental health treatment. For many viewers though, this feels like too little, far too late. Currently, in most online forums, whenever news is mentioned about The Flash, the conversation always centers around Miller. Currently, any news on the actual movie is eclipsed by discussions about Miller themself. A significant number of people have said they don’t even want to watch anything with Miller. As plans for the DCU move forward, rising from the ashes of the troubled DCEU, one thing is becoming clear. Actors and studio executives alike need to ask themselves whether Ezra Miller is now too toxic to work with.

Who The Perfect Flash Recast Is

Elliot Page as Viktor Hargreeves in Umbrella Academy

One actor who could be a perfect choice to play the role of The Flash is Elliot Page. He has a wealth of experience acting in a variety of roles that he could draw on. Stories like Flatliners and Inception, for instance, have the same kind of mind-bending storylines that The Flash is best known for. What’s more, having appeared in the X-Men movies and Umbrella Academy, they already have experience appearing in a superhero role. Bringing a host of fans and no shortage of charisma, a figure like Elliot Page could make for an excellent addition to the DCU. With his boyish charm, it’s not hard to imagine him wearing The Flash’s helmet.

Of course, the most obvious reason for Miller’s continued involvement in The Flash is simply that the movie is already virtually finished. It would be a colossal waste of money and time to reshoot the whole movie, especially with how long it’s already been in production. But with a character like The Flash, where story elements like time travel and parallel universes are almost expected, it wouldn’t be difficult to recast the character. Whether or not the role will actually be recast is still anyone’s guess, and no official word has been given to date. If they do need a new actor to play The Flash though, Elliot Page would be the perfect one for the job.

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