Days of Our Lives: Paul Confides in Will

Days of Our Lives: Paul Confides in Will

Days of Our Lives fans are going to see Paul open up to Will today about how he feels about Leo. We aren’t sure what Will will say or think about this, though. Will he be all right with it and want to make things happen for his new love interest or will he feel that Paul needs to just let things go and focus on the moment and not on his ex? We think Will will be happy to help him prove that there is something wrong. He doesn’t want to see Paul upset, and he has no real hard feelings for Sonny.

They’ve already confronted several other issues together, so this is just another for Will. He knows that Paul has already talked to Sonny about it, and he knows that there was a time when Paul also spoke with Leo about this. But they don’t seem to have any real answers at this point. They will need to find out what they can, but they have to do this very discreetly.

It won’t do to have Sonny thinking they are trying to come after him, they don’t want to let Leo in on what they know, and they certainly don’t want to find out that Vivian is clued into this. They are just going to find another way to get to the bottom of all this and make it out alive. They will find that Leo is up to no good, but it might not be soon enough.

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