10 Things You Didn’t Know about Christine Burke

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Christine Burke

When the Kardashians rose to fame following the ‘release’ of Kim Kardashian’s sex tape, no one knew just how big this family would become. They went from southern California fame to international superstardom, and they brought with them more than a few others. When the eldest sister in the family, Kourtney Kardashian, began dating Scott Disick, fans did not love him. He was immature, he was childish, and he didn’t seem like a good fit – obviously, since they are no longer together. However, Scott Disick began to grow on people with his openness, his brutal honesty, and his witty comebacks, and he also matured a bit as he grew older and welcomed his three children into the family. He might be part of the family for the rest of his life, but that doesn’t mean he’s not dating. At the moment, he’s rumored to be spending some quality time with his ex, a young woman by the name of Christine Burke. Are they back together? Oh, and who is Christine Burke?

1. She is Young

She’s only 25, and this is not the first time they’ve dated. Disick likes a younger woman since his relationship with Kourtney ended, and he seems to want to spend time with someone else now that she’s in a relationship with another man. She was born on February 12, 1996.

2. They Dated Before

Interestingly enough, this is a couple who dated before. They didn’t date recently, though. It’s been five years since their quick romance, and now they’re spending time together again. Has she matured a bit in the past five years? Has he? Will it work this time around?

3. She is a Model

She’s still young enough that her modeling career has years to go. She’s signed with modeling agency Next Model Management, which is a huge company. She works regularly, and she seems to succeed in her modeling career more so than many others her own age.

4. She’s Very Private

Despite her high-profile dating and her modeling career, she’s not into living a public life. She prefers to keep her life to herself, and she doesn’t have much to go on by way of the internet. She doesn’t appear to be into sharing her personal life, and she almost never speaks to the press. Interesting choice for her, then, to date someone as famous, outspoken, and press-popular as Disick.

5. She Reconnected Through Friends

Rumor has it that her own rekindled romance with Disick might have occurred through friends. While it’s been nearly five years since the last time they sparked romance rumors, friends brought them back together. Of course, he’s known for spending time with his exes even after their breakups, so this might have a little something to do with it.

6. She’s Confident

She has no problem showing off her body online, but she does have a problem sharing her personal life. She tends to post her own modeling photos – self-taken for the most part – online for her 157k followers to see. More often than not, she is not fully clothed when she shares her photos.

7. She’s A Woman of Few Words

We did mention she’s private, but she’s also someone who says very little. She gives nothing away with her captions online. She doesn’t even use a caption every time she posts a photo on her Instagram account. Sometimes, she just posts an emoji or leaves the caption line empty.

8. She Has a Themed Grid

Instagram is an interesting place. Some feel that the best way to use the platform is to share photos that match a specific grid, and she appears to do just that. What she’s doing with her own grid is sharing only photos of herself. She does not bother with anything else, anyone else, or even landscape shots. It’s all Burke, all the time.

9. She Says She’s Not a Birthday Person

What does this even mean? Who is not a birthday person? Does this mean she simply doesn’t spend any time thinking about hers or celebrating it? Does she not like the day? Does growing old make her nervous? We honestly don’t know, but we do know that she made an exception when it came to her 25th birthday in 2021. That one, she celebrated.

10. She Loves the Water

She may give away next to nothing about her personal life, but her Instagram feed tells us she’s a woman who loves the water. She’s always near it, always in it, or always photographing herself near it. She seems happy by the water.

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