credit: Amazon
Chris Pratt has had an exciting career, going from appearances in Parks and Recreation and Movie 43 to being the star of the Jurassic World trilogy, which of course, came after the role of Star-Lord for Marvel in Guardians of the Galaxy and beyond. While Chris Pratt got his earliest attention from being the lovable oaf of Parks and Recreation, he then went on to become quite a giant movie star and became used to the format of epic storytelling over a less than 3 hour period at most, so when the actor returned to television for Amazon’s adaptation of The Terminal List, he had some words about the two realms of acting. Below, we’ve detailed comments by Chris Pratt regarding television versus movies in a recent interview about The Terminal List, as well as detailed the Amazon show and the overall career of Chris Pratt.

credit: NBC
Chris Pratt
As stated above, Chris Pratt became famous to most people through either Parks and Recreation or Movie 43. Still, the actor had some exciting roles after such personable roles. Chris Pratt has had an extensive career in television, movies, and video games. From 2000 until 2022, with more roles for the future confirmed, such as Garfield, the untitled Mario movie, the upcoming third installment of Guardians of the Galaxy, and a Disney+ special as Star-Lord. Chris Pratt has touched all genres of Hollywood, with severe roles in Zero Dark Thirty, The Terminal List, comedy roles in Parks and Recreation, Movie 43, and others, and a good amount of romantic films, comedies, and dramas such as Passengers and others. Even kids may be familiar with Chris Pratt, or at least his voice as Chris Pratt, beyond television and movies, has provided his voice for characters in Lego movies and video games. In his personal life, Chris Pratt could have been noted for his relationship with Anna Faris, known for her roles in Scary Movie, The Hot Chick, and other movies, as well as the television show Mom, most recently. However, in 2017 the couple split up and later divorced before Chris Pratt met his now-wife, Katherine Schwartzenegger.

credit: Amazon
The Terminal List
The most recent release from Chris Pratt in television and movies was his return to television with The Terminal List from Amazon. Previously Chris Pratt worked with Amazon on the movie The Tomorrow War, in which he was also a producer. Based on the novel of the same name, The Terminal List featured Chris Pratt as a Navy SEAL after a mission that killed his entire platoon, but as Pratt started to piece clues together and figured out the dark forces that have a hold on his life. The Terminal List was quickly the most intense, violent, and darkest lead role Chris Pratt has ever had across his various television and movie roles.

credit: Amazon
Chris Pratt on Television Versus Movies
The difference between television versus movies for Chris Pratt came down to a pretty fine but defined line that may have us see him in more series over his career now that he’s had a leading role in one as outstanding as The Terminal List, which can only be compared to another Amazon show, Reacher for its overall military theme and excessive violence. In the interview, Chris Pratt held nothing back about which platform he preferred in the industry as he stated, “That’s sort of the fault of the format of film. At an hour and a half, two hours, two and a half hours at its longest, you can’t quite tell the same story in the same way with the same depth of emotion and development of character.” Chris Pratt’s reply began in response to a question from the interviewer about the authenticity of every aspect of the show, from flashbacks to current events to everything involving the comparison between real Navy SEALs and how they’re portrayed in The Terminal List. Earlier in the interview, Chris Pratt also shared his opinion on how characters in The Terminal List would be portrayed if the eight episodes of the show were melted down into the length of a movie, “If you have to take this eight hours and pare it down to an hour and a half with all the story, each of the ancillary characters would be cut down to basically nothing but people who are showing up to be puppeteer exposition.” While Chris Pratt has been on television before, he has primarily been in movies. With such a vital piece of work to base The Terminal List on, the show would have been much less detailed and personable without the eight-hour span it took to tell the story accurately and adequately.Star-Lord for Marvel in Guardians of the Galaxy
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