5 Roles Chris Pine Could Play In The MCU

Dungeons & Dragons’ Chris Pine has without a doubt proven his skills as a talented actor through a diverse range of roles. From playing Edgin Darvis in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves to Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman, Pine has done it all. Chris Pine is known for his ability to bring depth to the characters he portrays on the big screen.

Now that the Marvel Universe is growing with great speed, casting directors are constantly looking for new actors, and Chris Pine would be a great choice for several roles as he already has experience starring in superhero movies. Plus, due to MCU’s coincidental obsession with actors named Chris, such as Chris Hemsworth, Evans, and Pratt, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if they hired Chris Pine as well. So although nothing has been officially approved yet, we can’t help but think that Chris Pine might be a great option for the MCU roles. 

1. Silver Surfer

5 Roles Chris Pine Could Play In The MCU

The first appearance of Silver Surfer was recorded in Fantastic Four #48, published in the 1960s. The character is also known as Norrin Radd and is originally from a planet called Zenn-La which is also situated in the Milky Way. This character possesses cosmic powers so he can travel faster than light and also has a weapon called Power Cosmic which allows him to manipulate energy. Chris Pine could play this role in a possible MCU version of Fantastic Four as Marvel has acquired its rights. Marvel might introduce Silver Surfer in the MCU through the Fantastic Four or a solo Disney+ series of the character. 

2. Sentry

5 Roles Chris Pine Could Play In The MCU

Sentry first appeared in the comic books in September of 2000 and is widely recognized as one of the most powerful Marvel heroes. Several of his powers include telekinesis, teleportation, microscopic vision, telepathy, invisibility, telescopic vision, and more. Sentry, also known as Robert Reynolds, has been a part of different teams, such as Avengers in the comics, but later joined the Dark Avengers, which consists of many supervillains. Should this character soon appear in the MCU, Chris Pine would be a great candidate to bring this complex role to life.

3. Hyperion

Hyperion in comics

Hyperion is a character of Marvel Comics that is often compared to DC’s Superman. The main reason behind this is his physique and similarities in powers between the two heroes. This character lives in an alternate universe and is the last known member of a race called Eternals. With several Eternals already introduced in the MCU, it is likely we’ll see more of them in the figure; should that happen, Pine’s company presence and on screen charm will make his an excellent choice to play the role.

4. Phantom Eagle

Phantom eagle in comics

Phantom Eagle is the title shared by several characters in the comics. One is a teenage aviator known as Mickey Malone, while another character that appears in Marvel Comics is known as Karl Kaufman, an expert pilot with good combat skills. There is also a third version of Phantom Eagle on another planet known as the Counter-Earth. Among all of these versions, Karl Kaufman is the most likely to be introduced to the MCU. Chris Pine would be great to play this role as the character of Karl Kaufman are somewhat similar to the ones he portrayed in Wonder Woman and The Finest Hours. Plus, he was a pilot in Wonder Womanwhich will give him the ability to show off his aerial skills again.

5. Nova

Nova in comics

Also known as Richard Rider, Nova was created by Marv Wolfman – a popular comic writer. Nova is a well-known and beloved character who gains abilities like superhuman strength, flight, agility, and quick reflexes when he puts on his helmet. He has been a part of many Marvel teams like Guardians of the Galaxy. As such, there is a possibility that Marvel will introduce this character in the cinematic universe soon. Chris Pine would be a good fit for this MCU role as he has the charm and talent to bring Nova to the big screen.cosmic powers

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