10 Things You Didn’t Know about Chris Hegg

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Chris Hegg

Chris Hegg might have a recognizable name to you if you are someone who is interested in ancient forms of communication or coding. He’s one of the top coders in the military – former – and he is an author. He is also a man who has a very cool life story. Really, though, he’s famous because he is now a man who is officially adding reality star to his resume. It’s been announced he will be appearing in the new show “Lost Gold of the Aztecs,” and it sounds like one of those shows that will captivate audiences.

1. He’s a Miner

His day job at the moment is miner. He digs. It’s not a complicated job description, but his job is anything but simple. He’s a man who does something few people in the world can do, which is dig and identify things that might just be more meaningful to mankind than most people even realize.

2. He is an Expert

He is not just a man who works as a miner, either. He’s an expert. He is one of the most famous, most well-respected, and most recognized petroglyphs experts in the world. Essentially, he’s a man who can find a rock that looks like a rock, remove the outer layer of the rock and find the ‘art’ behind it that was left by ancient people as a message.

3. He is Former Air Force

Prior to working as a miner, he was a man who spent many years in the United States Air Force. While we don’t have a full history or story of his life in the Air Force, we do know that he had a very important job while he was enlisted. His time there was well-spent.

4. He is Widely Recognized

While in the Air Force, he was recognized for his skills. His skills included being one of the most successful code-breakers there is. His military experience was one thing, but the fact that he had the mind power and the understanding of codes and different languages in a manner of speaking is what made him a talented man the military did not want to lose.

5. He Has Been All Over

Since his time in the military ended, he’s traveled the country and many parts of the world looking for treasure. He is on the hunt for Montezuma’s gold, and he will stop at nothing to find it. He spends much of his time traveling to mines and looking for what he knows is there, and he is using everything in his power to find it.

6. He Has Rights

Everyone has rights, but he has literal rights to several abandoned mine shafts across the Nevada desert. Most of these are located in what many call the wastelands, but they are nonetheless important to this man. He searches them, he tries to find clues, and he is using his expertise in code-breaking and reading petroglyphs to find what he is looking for.

7. He is an Author

Of course, his book is all about what he knows, and it is something he takes great pride in. The book is called, “Ancient Universal Language of Man,” and it can be purchased in book stores across the country as well as online. He published the book in 2015.

8. He’s a Dad

When he’s not busy being an expert, he’s busy being a dad. He is the father of three. All of his kids are proud of him and the work he does, and he finds it important to share his knowledge with his kids while also looking to promote a healthy work/life balance when he can.

9. He is From Nevada

Growing up in the area allowed him to become familiar with what he does now. He was from a small town in the desert, so he was able to spend a lot of time looking at ancient sites – some of which he has the rights to now – and he was able to study ancient languages. His grandfather, in fact, is one of the founds of the Carmel Valley Historical Society, and that is something he loved when he was growing up.

10. He is a Private Man

While he might be a reality star ready to make his television debut, he is still a man who values his own privacy. There are few things more important to him than his work, but his family does top that list. He is passionate about what he does, and we have a feeling he will show off that passion when he is on television.

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