Castle: 4.19 “47 Seconds” Review

Castle: 4.19 “47 Seconds” ReviewSo… one of the secrets is finally out.

Last night’s Castle told the story of a bombing during a protest in New York that took the lives of five people and injured countless more. While the NYPD wasn’t directly involved — the FBI has jurisdiction in investigations like these — the case really affected everyone at the Precinct, including Castle and Beckett. The fact that most of the victims had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time hit really close to home as to how they’re just taking tomorrow for granted.

It was shaping up to be an incredible step forward for our dynamic duo and they built it really well through half of the episode with looks and loaded conversations and Martha’s advice. Even though I knew the secret had to come out at some point (because we all saw that promo, right), I found myself gearing up for something good to happen. And then they ripped the rug from right under our feet and punched us — and Castle — in the gut with that careless, unintended revelation.

Castle: 4.19 “47 Seconds” ReviewSo now Castle knows and I thought that was going to be a good thing because that means he is finally going to do something about it. But he didn’t. He was pissed off and rightly so, but he didn’t do anything. Maybe I have been reading this character wrong, but I was expecting a confrontation at the very least. But no, he just shut down, buried his head in the sand and basically pulled a Beckett, pretending nothing had happened. And you know what, that was just not cool.

The Castle we have all come to know and love was the kind of person who liked to talk, right? Okay, so when it comes to Beckett, he shies away, but not from things that really matter. Last season, during ‘Knockout’, he called her out on all her crap and, sure, it wasn’t pretty, but at least they got things out in the open. This time, though, he decided to just be pissed off and act like nothing was wrong while giving her the cold shoulder. And the sad thing is that Kate was ready to finally take a chance. She was so incredibly ready to finally do something about this stupid dance they had going on and now she is going to think that he is not in it anymore. What I got from this episode was that she was waiting for a cue from him and when that chance showed up, she was more than willing to take it, but he turned into freezer mode and completely ignored her.

Castle: 4.19 “47 Seconds” ReviewNow, I am not saying that he is not justified in his actions. He is, of course. After all, she lied to him for months about something huge. But what really got to me was that he didn’t even give her a chance to explain her side of things. I am not defending what Kate did here, but let’s not forget that Castle also has a really big secret of his own and, while he is completely entitled to feel betrayed and act pissed off, he is being a little hypocritical here, isn’t he? Because from his reaction, it seems that he’s forgetting to take a long, hard look in the mirror and reevaluate his actions. We all know he is keeping this huge bombshell from Kate in order to protect her, so maybe he should have thought that Kate had her reasons to keep this from him as well? In fact, she told him her reasons all the way back in ‘Rise’and they were making progress now, only to have it be completely shattered. It felt like half a step forward and five steps back last night.

Castle: 4.19 “47 Seconds” ReviewSo now she doesn’t know that he knows she knows and — while I appreciate the Friends reference, this time it’s just not funny — this whole thing’s just turned into an even more complicated mess. From what we could see from the promo for next week’s ‘The Limey’, it looks like Castle is reverting to his old playboy ways and it’s just frustrating. At least we are going to see Kate talking things out with Lanie (about damn time too!) and maybe she is finally going to do something about it. But for now, it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better. I can already see that maybe they work things out (or at least start to) in ‘The Limey’, only to have Castle’s secret about her mom’s case blow up in their faces in the finale, leaving them both burned and separated for the entire summer.

And to be honest, I’m not sure I like this prospect.

Anyway, other than that, I really liked the case this time and there were two instances I particularly loved. Both scenes with Martha’s insight were great and I loved that scene with Alexis at the morgue and how Beckett was obviously moved by Castle’s fatherly side.

But then it all went to hell and it looks like it’s going to be a bumpy ride until the finale. For now, though, ’47 seconds’gets a B+ for me.




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