You Can Be the Paddle in Life-Sized Interactive Pong Game

This interactive game allows you to be the paddle in an interactive pong game and it looks like a lot of fun. I’ve seen these games before and I’m sure a lot of other people have. The first one I saw was actually installed at place called Pump It Up Jr., a fun place for kids to go that offers bouncy houses and a couple of other attractions as well as this interactive floor game. Pong wasn’t on the list at that particular one, but there other games such as a soccer game and a bug-squishing game that allowed children to play with one another and just have fun in general. It was pretty interesting to watch and not all that hard to install from what I was told.

This one looks a lot more sophisticated and perhaps able to respond to the user a little better since I did notice on the one I saw that there was a slight delay at times between the actions taken by the children and the response of the game. This one looks like it reacts quickly and without any misstep between the actions of the user and the game. It looks like it might even be a good workout if you really get into the game and try your best to win. Playing Pong as one would regularly on your phone or whatever other device you find to play it on isn’t much of a challenge until you get to higher levels, but this one looks like it would be a real test from the start.

It’s amazing isn’t it how some games seem to come around after a while? Those kids of the current generation might only know Pong because it’s one of the most basic games and is considered an ‘old school’ program that doesn’t offer up much of a challenge like many of the other games out there. What they don’t seem to realize is that Pong was at one time a very popular and complicated game to master, at least for the first ten to twenty minutes it took to really get good at the game. It was what was there though, and that’s the point. Back in those days if you sat on your butt all weekend or all week playing video games you’d likely get rousted by your parents, told to get a job, or get fired from a job by your boss for not showing up on time or at all. But back when Pong was first popular it wasn’t a game you’d play every hour of the day.

It was something fun to play when you had the time, IF you had the time. Nowadays people actually make money playing video games as though it’s a skill, which in some cases it is, but not one that I’d count as something vital to society. Anyway, it’s nice to see one of the older games coming back into circulation as something appealing to the current generation.

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