A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

Cersei Lannister 20

Many people have tried to cosplay Game of Thrones characters since the show became popular, but only a few have succeeded. One of them is Ylenia Visenya Aryan from Italy, who has simply the best Cersei Lannister cosplay in existence. Not only does she share something of a resemblance with Lena Headey, but she’s gone all out on these costumes. Most people would be content simply picking one, but not her. Rather, she’s got three or four, all of which look like they’re directly pulled from the show. Check out her full gallery below:

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

A Gallery of Unbelievable Cersei Lannister Cosplay

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  1. Akai Otinashi
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