Toy Story 5: Exciting Theories on How the Toys Could Return

Toy Story 4 seemed to be the perfect conclusion to the much-loved franchise, tying up loose ends and leaving fans with a sense of closure. However, with the announcement of Toy Story 5, it’s time to ponder the new dynamics and how the original toys might return. Here are some intriguing theories on the best ways the toys could make a comeback in Toy Story 5.

1. Woody And The Lost Toys

Woody Toy story 5

Woody (Tom Hanks) has always been the heart and soul of the franchise, so it’s only fitting that his story continues. Exploring Woody’s role in his new crew of lost toys could provide a fresh perspective and fill the void left by the late Don Rickles, the voice of Mr. Potato Head. Introducing a new set of toys with Woody at the helm could breathe new life into the storyline.

2. A Different Buzz Lightyear Could Surface

Buzz Toy Story 5

The Toy Story universe has already established the existence of multiple Buzz Lightyears. Instead of bringing back the original Buzz (Tim Allen), introducing another version of the action figure could add an interesting twist. A new Buzz could display out-of-character behavior, join a different group of toys, or even take on a villainous role, similar to the approach in Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness.

3. Slinky Dog Could Have His Day In The Sun


Toy Story 5 could benefit from fresh storylines, and one way to achieve this is by promoting a former sidekick to a leading role. Slinky Dog (Jim Varney) has always been a loyal companion, and it would be fascinating to see him step up in a more central role. With Woody’s absence, the group needs a new guiding force, and Slinky’s experience as Woody’s right-hand man could make him the perfect candidate.

4. A Peek Into Bo Peep’s Life With The Lost Toys

Bo Peep

Instead of focusing on Woody’s journey with the lost toys, Toy Story 5 could delve into Bo Peep’s (Annie Potts) story. Since being given away in Toy Story 4, Bo Peep has evolved into a more adventurous character. Exploring her role as a shepherdess of lost toys and her relationship with Woody could add a new dimension to the franchise.

Read Next: Toy Story 5 Might Have Just Doomed A Pixar Franchise

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