Five Things You Didn’t Know about Ksenia Solo

Ksenia Solo is not the daughter of Han Solo just to clarify but obviously the name would bring up questions among Star Wars fans upon first glance. Instead she is an actress that seems to serve in supporting roles quite often and has earned her spot in Hollywood by dint of being kind of the girl next door type that is just strong-willed enough to be worth casting. In all fairness she’s got a lot of talent and has a fan base that follows her work, but if you don’t know much about her it’s likely that you haven’t seen the shows and movies she’s been in, or haven’t noticed since she acts around other big names quite often.

It’s easy to look over a lot of people until they become that big. She’s definitely made a name for herself though.

5. She studied ballet until the age of 14.

Ksenia was active in ballet until her teen years when a back injury forced her to quit. If anyone’s ever had a back injury they know the pain that comes with it, along with the very real fact that it’s nearly impossible to do anything if your back is out of commission. Doing ballet would be completely out of the question as a person needs to have a strong core and solid back structure in order to perform.

4. She had a small role in Black Swan.

This is one of those instances in which it might be very possible to forget she was there since between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis the attention of most people wouldn’t be easily divided towards another individual unless they were of equal or greater caliber. It’s not an insult to Solo really since she was there to play her own part, but it is a reality that has to be accepted since it does happen.

3. She’s a director of an anti-bullying foundation.

Solo is a director for Stand for the Silent, an anti-bullying foundation that she’s been involved with for some time. These foundations are meant to insure that all kids young and older are able to feel some form of empathy towards their fellow human being and can understand just what kind of effects bullying has on people. In the world as it stands now this is of great importance since the person you bully today could be the one that unfortunately retaliates in a very dangerous manner.

2. She got her start in the year 2000.

Ksenia is definitely not a newbie to the small or big screen. She’s been around a while now and has done her part to help out in various films and TV shows and gain more notoriety for herself as well. At this point it seems like she might be comfortable where she’s at and not really aiming to go any higher. I could be wrong though.

1. She’s been slightly prominent in TV than in films. 

Some folks are simply happier being on TV more often than they are being in movies. It’s not a failing, but it is a fact.

She could be happy right where she’s at, splitting her time between movies and TV.

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