The TBS comedy series “Wrecked” follows a group of diverse survivors of an airplane crash on the way to vacation in Thailand. The dozens of survivors must find a way to continue to survive and hopefully be rescued from the remote deserted island they wind up on. The series is basically a spoof of “Lost” as a cross of “Lost” with “Gilligan’s Island” and “Parks and Recreation”. These hapless survivors try to form a society and deal with surviving the loss of modern conveniences like Wi-Fi, social media and plumbing. The talented ensemble cast of “Wrecked” bring humor to the obvious forefront as they deal with otherwise tragic situations.
“Wrecked premiered in July 2016, and the second season premieres this month. Here is what we can expect from Season 2 of “Wrecked”.
New Arrivals
The season 2 premier of “Wrecked” brings a new group of people to the island leading to more difficulties than rescue operations for the survivors of the plane crash. The island visitors are pirates. The survivors must try and negotiate with the pirates. Pack (Asif Ali) agrees to go in for the negotiations because he’s a sports agent. He isn’t concerned about the fact that the pirates have guns because he has a “voice”. As the group learns to negotiate and deal with the pirates they begin a debate. Typical of “Wrecked”, the debate is about whether or not the survivors want to know the spoilers from “Game of Thrones” that the pirates can tell them. Should the survivors hold on to the hope of rescue by not knowing if “Jon Snow lives or dies”? This is kind of like Tom Hanks in “Castaway” when he saves 1 unopened Fed Ex package until his rescue after 4 years.
New Problems
As always, the survivors of “Wrecked” usually create more problems for themselves than solutions. They can never really form a society or rescue plan because every character is out for himself. In Season 2 we will see more troubles for the group to overcome. For example, their drinking water is tainted. In Episode 3, Florence (Jessica Lowe) and Karen (Brooke Dillman) must go into the jungle to find the source of contamination and, of course, the over the top comedy of “Wrecked” is obvious and hilarious.
Unlikely Hookups
In Season 1 of “Wrecked” we saw many unlikely hookups between the stranded survivors. These stories will continue into Season 2 with some unexpected new hookups. Steve (Rhys Darby), hapless New Zealander who became drunk on power in Season 1 is one of the characters who has an unlikely love interest.
As Season 1 of “Wrecked” progressed we were slowly introduced to Karen. Karen is a force to be reckoned with. She continues Season 2 as a character with a very strong, no nonsense attitude. We can expect a lot more from Karen in this season of “Wrecked”.
The quirky characters of “Wrecked” are constantly acting on impulse to survive. Their need to survive often outweighs their need to be a part of a cooperative society. Most characters on “Wrecked” have done things that they normally never would have done normally. Even so, they feel much regret for the actions they have taken out of desperation. Some of these acts are entirely despicable, but somehow, the brilliant cast and writers of “Wrecked” make it funny. It is always interesting to see these characters deal with the things they regret in a hilarious way.
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