Credit: @theoliverhudson
If you thought Oliver Hudson seemed familiar – and not because he shares the same last name as another famous Hollywood actress – you are not off-base. He’s the son of actress Goldie Hawn, which means he’s the sister of actress Kate Hudson. Fame runs rampant in that family, and it shows. Oliver Hudson’s claim to fame is his talent in front of the camera in shows such as Rules of Engagement and Scream Queens, though his long list of television shows and movies continues. In his mid-40s, he’s married, a father, a son, and a brother. He is also a man who likes to share things he finds interesting. He’s got a lot to say. Here are some of Oliver Hudson’s most fun conversations in the past few years.
1. Oliver Hudson on Being Too Old For Las Vegas
Perhaps this is an unpopular opinion, but I’ve never been a fan of Vegas. It’s just not for me. Hudson, on the other hand, loved it. Hudson retired from Las Vegas, and we get it. “Just got back from Vegas. Total of about five hours sleep in two days. I’m not doing that anymore. It’s just not worth it. In the moment it’s like ‘You’re having fun with your friends.’ No, just no. I feel like that just set me back like three years emotionally, honestly. Vegas, it’s been real, but it’s over. It’s over,” he joked following a visit to Sin City.
2. Oliver Hudson on Moving Home with His Mom and Kurt Russell
When he and his wife decided to do some renovation on their own house, they moved into the house his mother and her long-term love share. And he might not go back to his own house. He and his family loved their time at his mom’s house, and they joked that they might never go home. Goldie Hawn is a breakfast maker. She’s into biscuits and gravy, eggs, and more, and they decided that being with her was really the way to go. We concur. His family did, in fact, move back into their own home following the end of renovations. His mother cried. And they are all sad about it.

Credit: @theoliverhudson
3. Oliver Hudson on the Freedom of Being Younger
One thing that he really does remember about his life growing up with his famous mom and sister is that they had so much freedom. When he was a child, his mom would pile him and his sister into her van. They’d take road trips across the southwest United States of America, and he loved it. They didn’t watch television; they didn’t have the same level of fame then that they do now. People left them alone, and they were able to do what they wanted when they wanted to do it, and it was a time of great freedom. It was a time in his life he thoroughly enjoyed.
4. Oliver Hudson on Nudity
His household growing up, was simply comfortable with being nude. It was never something his family was concerned about. They were all comfortable in their own skin, naked, running around the house, and no one was ever taught that they should not embrace their bodies and their nudity. As a result, he’s always been comfortable in his own skin. Nudity was never a problem on his own, and he and his wife raised their own kids the same way. Being naked is natural. It’s not like they all sit around and watch family movies or eat dinner in the nude, but no one hides it when they are hanging out, getting ready, getting dressed, or whatever.
5. Oliver Hudson on Struggling as an Actor
Some people consider nepotism in any industry a problem. Hudson didn’t. He spent his entire childhood on movie sets with his mom and Kurt Russell, and he just thought it was his natural future. He didn’t question that he’d become an actor, but he did struggle to make his way. Sometimes, being the child of a celebrity doesn’t give you a leg up, but Kurt Russell was always there to offer his stepson encouragement.

Credit: @theoliverhudson
“Look, Oliver, you have to stop caring. Don’t give a s*** what people think, how you look, all the stuff, you just do you,” said Russell to Hudson. It ended up being the best advice he’s ever received about his career, and he took it to heart. When he put all of that aside and stopped focusing on it, his career turned around, and success came much more naturally.
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