credit: Watchmen
Death scenes in the movies can get pretty intense, whether it’s because the people doing the killing are deranged, insanely powerful, or aren’t human. But some of these deaths are particularly gruesome since they either come out of nowhere or the people see them coming. A few such scenes are definitely earned since they tend to happen to individuals that have either done something insanely wrong and need a bit of comeuppance or because they’re in a situation that calls for a bit more intelligence than they’re showing at that moment. In any case, such moments tend to create the type of death scene that is especially gruesome since, without restraint, a lot of characters in the movies can create a trail of destruction that isn’t bound to end until someone is brave enough or smart enough to take them down and keep them down for a while. Until that happens, though, it’s interesting to a lot of fans to see how many different ways Hollywood writers and directors can come up with to kill someone on screen in the goriest way possible.
With that in mind, here are five of the most gruesome deaths in the movies.
5. Adrienne Thomas-Jason X

credit: Jason X
When trying to figure out how many kills Jason Voorhees has accumulated over the years, it’s not hard to think that such a number might escape all but the most diehard fans, that likely remember every victim and how they went out. In the case of Adrienne, the crew of students and their teacher brought back something from the wasted landscape that earth had become that should have been left behind, the frozen body of Jason Voorhees. True to form, the killer isn’t dead, and when he wakes, he targets the first living being in his vicinity, actually dunking Adrienne’s face in a basin filled with liquid nitrogen, giving her a facial that’s hard to forget.
4. Stans-Predators

credit: Predators
Walton Goggins has made a pretty impressive reputation for himself by playing the bad guy. But he does feel a little out of place with the group in Predators since the rest of them are certified killers, while Stans isn’t innocent, but he’s not exactly the same caliber of a fighter as his companions. When he decides to attack one of the predators in order to give the others time to run through, it’s easy to think that he knows how to take an opportunity when he sees it. Unfortunately, hand-to-hand combat isn’t easy with a predator, and Stans is easily dispatched as this predator doesn’t even bother killing the man before pulling a Mortal Kombat spine rip on him.
3. Rorschach-Watchmen

credit: Watchmen
One really gets the feeling that Rorschach is a troubled individual early on in this movie since, besides the way he talks, he has a very grim outlook on life and doesn’t appear to know how to dial it down from 11 that well. After fighting Ozymandias and learning of how he meant to bring about world peace by destroying so many cities while framing Dr. Manhattan at the same time, Rorschach can’t stay quiet, and he’s on his way to tell the world what he knows when Dr . Manhattan decides to stand in his way. It does make a person wonder if the truth is always the best policy or if the lie is an easy out that should be taken for once. Seeing as how Dr. Manhattan vaporizes Rorschach to keep the truth hidden, it’s not hard to see which way he leans.
2. Angel-Scarface

credit: Scarface
Life as a drug dealer and a mule doesn’t sound all that appealing to a lot of people until it comes to making the big dollars. Of course, staying alive long enough to spend all that money is a bonus as well if it can be accomplished. it doesn’t feel as though Angel Fernandez was going to last long if he didn’t get the chop in this scene, but the manner in which he was taken out was horrible since not only did he feel every second of the chainsaw ripping into him, Angel had to look at Tony as he was being cut into pieces, and realize that his buddy couldn’t do anything to help him. Maybe that’s why Tony was high most of the time, to get past this moment.
1. Emil M. Anton-Robocop
credit: Robocop
Let’s just say it, Emil had this coming. As one of the bad guys who were responsible for reducing Murphy to a bloody pool, he was one of those who needed to suffer a bit before he was finally forced to meet his maker. But the manner of death he was given was still horrible since being doused with toxic waste and melted down like a candle was bad enough. But being splattered like some giant, toxic bug on a windshield was enough to make a lot of people cringe.
Death scenes are an exploration of how wild and how twisted the imagination can get.
Jason Voorhees
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