Why Zoe Saldana Was Moved To Tears Over Avatar 2

Why Zoe Saldana Was Moved To Tears Over Avatar 2

These next few years could be some golden years for Zoe Saldana. Near the end of the year, she will once again be seen as the very tall, very blue Na’vi alien Neytiri in the long-awaited Avatar sequel. Okay, before I go any further, I have to ask, does anyone else feel like this sequel is a few years too late? The first one came out in 2009 and James Cameron just kept promising us that this sequel would come out some time afterwards. Oh, and he also promised about three or four more sequels after that one, but if we’re lucky, we’ll probably see all of those by 2050. In all seriousness, I am excited to see Zoe Saldana return to reprise her role in the upcoming Avatar sequel.

I know it’s the cool thing to call Avatar overrated, but I must admit, it was one of the best theater experiences I have ever had. Sure, you can call it Dances with Wolves with blue aliens, because it pretty much is. And you know what? That’s okay. The movie was very entertaining and had a very stacked cast, with Zoe Saldana being one of the few cast members who you don’t actually see. She plays a blue alien who hunts things with a bow an arrow twice the size of a grown man’s body and jumps around on gigantic trees. And on top of it all, her character was the main reason Jake Sully, the main protagonist, decided to turn his back on humanity and even convert to becoming a Na’vi.

That sounds bad when I put it like that, but hey, Jake fell in love. That’s the Achilles Heel of most protagonists. And that’s also why we call Avatar Dances with Wolves with blue aliens. Again, not a bad thing, considering that super epic final battle between the Resources Development Administration’s private security force and all the Na’vi tribes was killer fun. Honestly, I really want to see how James Cameron tops that in the second one. And based on what we know on the second movie, James Cameron was all about getting everybody wet.

You can check it all out on social media, the multiple posts of Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana posing in their motion capture suits. But get this, they were all doing this while they were in water. You can also see a lot of white balls in the water, which makes me very curious. Let’s just keep in mind, a big chunk of the reason James Cameron has taken his time making this sequel is because he claims he needed the right technology to film it. What he’s really referring to is being able to use the right cameras to be able to film many scenes underwater.

James Cameron will be introducing a new Na’vi tribe to the Avatar world of Pandora. They are the reef people clan known as the Metkayina. Based on what we know, this tribe will be the Na’vi who live closer to the waters and probably spend a lot of time swimming underwater for whatever reasons. I reckon Jake and Neytiri will find allies in this new tribe when they have to combat the RDA once again. And during this time, we’ll get to see all that underwater action. And yes, I think you can expect to see some new exotic creatures lurking in the oceans of Pandora.

That will be cool to see and I think Jake will join this new tribe in either hunting them or bonding with them. This is what James Cameron was so adamant about filming and Zoe Saldana talks about it in a recent interview with reporter Kevin McCarthy. According to her, she got to see at least twenty minutes of the movie and it actually moved her to tears. That’s a pretty emotional reaction and yes, we know that Zoe Saldana has to promote her movie. And make no mistake, Avatar 2 will most likely be one of the biggest movies of the year.

But I think we need to pay more attention to what Zoe Saldana is saying about this movie. This is a lot more than just the main actress hyping up her own movie. In the beginning of her interview, Zoe Saldana explained why James Cameron was so adamant about filming the underwater scenes. Now we all know there will be a lot of CGI in Avatar 2, but one thing that cannot be replaced by any virtual means is the water. This is something she emphasized during the interview because it proves how dedicated James Cameron was to making this movie.

Okay, so I could agree that Avatar 2 probably should have come out a few years ago. Heck, we probably should have seen it sooner, but we can’t fault James Cameron for taking his time on a move if he wants to make it the best way he sees fit. Okay, we still waited literally over a decade for this sequel and I think many people gave up on it a while back. Let’s put all of that aside for a minute and appreciate how Zoe Saldana is understandably emotional for being a part of something that will, as she puts it, be a big step up from the first one. Now that is really setting the bar high, but I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Zoe Saldana used some strong words to describe her feelings for Avatar 2. To sum it all up, words like “weeping” came up, which actually got her choked up while watching the twenty minutes of Avatar 2. If she’s this emotional over Avatar 2, then it should be a good sign. Yes, she’s supposed to hype up her movie, but after hearing her speak about it, I can say it’s a lot more than just hype. Zoe Saldana was able to see just a glimpse of her work in it and it sounds like she’s very proud of all the work the whole crew did.

There was certainly a lot of money and talent poured into this sequel but I’m still waiting for a trailer before I get myself hyped for it. Still, I’m willing to believe what Zoe Saldana says after hearing her gush over the sequel. She’ll be in a lot of big movies in the next few years, including Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and Star Trek 4, but Avatar 2 will probably top both of those at the box office. Just wait until you see a trailer and I think that will give us a taste on what Zoe Saldana was getting emotional over. What are your thoughts, James Cameron fans?

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