Credit: Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story
The Netflix series Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is making waves. Some people find it genius. Other people find it abhorrent. The story of Jeffrey Dahmer’s life and the murder and dismemberment of 17 young men is not a story that the world wants to celebrate. It happened to real people, and many of the people who died at the hands of Jeffrey Dahmer have living family members who are none too thrilled to see this man’s story celebrated.
From pizzas named after the killer to Halloween costumes for people to dress up as him to women fawning over how “hot” Dahmer was – it’s nothing short of abhorrent. However, the story is being told on Netflix, and the Dahmer cast is talented. Who can you expect to see in the Dahmer cast? We’ll get into the Dahmer cast’s five main characters. There are many supporting roles and a lot of talent, but these are the five people you’ll see the most.
Evan Peters as Jeffrey Dahmer

Credit: Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story
He plays the murderer and cannibal himself. Jeffrey Dahmer is dead now, but the actor portraying him wanted to get into his mind and understand what made him who he was. We doubt anyone sane could ever understand that.
Molly Ringwald as Shari Dahmer
Shari Dahmer played an important role in the story of Jeffrey Dahmer. She’s the stepmother of the murderer. Dahmer’s mother and father’s marriage was officially over when he was 18 and graduating from high school. His mother, Joyce, took Dahmer’s younger brother and moved away to be with his family. Shari had her own set of horrible issues – she was considered an un-present mother. She didn’t make good choices, and she was accused of trying to take her own life more than once. She suffered from mental health issues as well as addiction issues, and the marriage did not survive.

Credit: @mollyringwald
Shari Dahmer is the woman Lionel Dahmer married after he left his wife. Shari Dahmer and Lionel Dahmer married the same year his divorce was finalized – 1978. She was Dahmer’s stepmother beginning when he was 18, and she has spoken about her experience of meeting him for the first time and the shocking news that he was such a monster.
“What I wanted to do, and what most people wanted to do, was mother him. He was just vulnerable. Even if I wasn’t his stepmother all his life, as a mother you sense those things,” she said in an interview long after his arrest and death. She also made it very clear that she and her husband were shocked because the thing they noticed and worried about was Dahmer’s drinking habits.
Richard Jenkins as Lionel Dahmer
Lionel Dahmer was a busy man. Lionel was in school working on his degree when his son was little. He spent a lot of time studying and then working when Dahmer was growing up. He left his son with his wife while he regularly worked, which is common. However, his wife’s mental issues were hard on the family. His father’s absence was hard on the family. Lionel Dahmer is still married to his second wife, but he tries to stay out of the limelight.
Michael Learned as Catherine Dahmer
Jeffrey Dahmer lived with his grandmother when he killed many of the men he went to prison for killing. The role she plays is unclear because many believe there is no way she did not smell the dismemberment of bodies, the chemicals he was using, and many other things. He killed at least three men in her basement and brought other bodies to the basement. He did experiments there with acid, but there was never proof she knew what was going on down in her basement. She knew her grandson was troubled but did she know what he was doing?

Credit: @niecynash1
Niecy Nash as Glenda Cleveland
Her last name isn’t Dahmer, but she played a significant role in the story of Jeffrey Dahmer. Of all the people in the Dahmer cast, she’s the actress who plays a hero. Glenda Cleveland resided in the building next door to Jeffrey Dahmer – until 2009. She died in 2011. Glenda Cleveland knew for two months before Dahmer’s arrest that he was up to no good. Her daughter and niece saw a naked, dazed, confused boy running from Dahmer and told Cleveland. She called the police – and they didn’t listen. They told her it was a lover’s fight and nothing more. She called again, and she was adamant that it was something else. Niecy Nash is good.
It was later revealed that Cleveland was correct. The ‘lover’ that the police told her to stop worrying about was a boy of only 14. Dahmer kidnapped him, violated him, and killed him. He told the police the boy was 19 and was his drunk boyfriend. The police did nothing to prove these facts even though it was 1991. Dahmer was found guilty of molesting and abusing the little boy’s brother only three years before. It was gross negligence on behalf of the police.
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