Who Is Cassandra Nova? Deadpool & Wolverine’s Main Villain, Explained

Cassandra Nova, played by The Crown’s Emma Corrin, is finally being introduced into the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe with the upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine (Deadpool 3) film. Fans went into overdrive theorizing about the bald figure glimpsed in the initial teaser, suspecting Cassandra would be the main villain. And the latest trailer sealed the deal, showing off her crazy psychic powers that rendered Wolverine’s (Hugh Jackman) adamantium claws absolutely powerless.

Now, casual MCU fans may not be familiar with Corrin’s character, but in the comics, Cassandra is a force to be reckoned with. Her arrival could spell disaster not only for Wade (Ryan Reynolds) and Logan but for the entire MCU multiverse. In this article, we’re diving deep into the lore of Cassandra Nova, exploring her origins, as well as what role she might play in Deadpool & Wolverine, all set to hit theaters on July 26, 2024.

Cassandra Nova Is Charles Xavier’s Evil Twin

Cassandra Nova stepping out of the plane in Deadpool & wolverine

In the comics, Cassandra is a being of “living emotional energy” who was born while Charles Xavier was still a fetus. The formless Cassandra created a body for herself based on Charles’ cells, making her a twin of sorts to him. While her body was still being formed, she went all psycho and tried to strangle Charles in the womb with his own umbilical cord. However, Charles instinctively blasted her back with a psychic attack, resulting in Cassandra’s physical body being stillborn. But here’s the kicker — her mind survived. And over the years, she managed to create a new body for herself.

Cassandra’s motivations are as complex as her origins. She views herself and Charles as the only real beings in the universe. She believes that the world around them is nothing but a figment of Charles’ powerful mind. And in her twisted logic, by eliminating Charles, she can erase the whole fake world.

That’s the basic idea. Cassandra Nova is the frightening reality of what would happen if Charles Xavier ever turned to the dark side. But if you want to go deeper into the comic lore, things get even weirder. It turns out Cassandra might not even be entirely human. According to Shi’ar mythology, Cassandra belongs to a species called the Mummudrai — parasitic, bodiless alien entities that bond with developing fetuses in the womb. Every living being has their own personal Mummudrai that they battle in the womb, much like Charles did. And the Mummudrai are the complete opposites of their hosts, which explains Cassandra’s inherent inclination toward evil and her hatred of mutants.

Cassandra Nova Being the Main Villain Could Lead Charles Xavier’s Return in Deadpool & Wolverine

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Deadpool & Wolverine

Cassandra being the main villain in Deadpool & Wolverine comes a bit out of left field. The character has little to nothing to do with Wade in the comics. And sure, Logan has crossed paths with Cassandra during X-Men battles, but their connection is nothing personal. But hey, her showing up hints at something big — Charles Xavier himself might be making a comeback. Think about it. You can’t just drop Xavier’s evil twin into the mix without bringing in the man himself, right?

Sir Patrick Stewart previously confirmed discussions with Marvel Studios about reprising the role in Deadpool & Wolverine, following his recent appearance as a Professor X variant in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. While not officially confirmed, this news combined with Cassandra Nova’s inclusion suggests a strong possibility of seeing Charles Xavier in the film. We’ve already seen glimpses of numerous X-Men characters like Pyro (Aaron Stanford), Lady Deathstrike (Kelly Hu), and Azazel (Jason Flemyng) from the Fox Universe reprising their roles in the upcoming film. It just wouldn’t make sense to leave Charles out of the mix, especially when his evil twin is causing chaos.

What Are Cassandra Nova’s Powers?

Cassandra Nova and Wolverine fighting scene in Deadpool and Wolverine

Cassandra Nova is basically Xavier on steroids. This means she can sense other mutants, communicate with them telepathically, alter their minds, and even take complete control of their bodies. But that’s not it. She also has the telekinetic powers of the most powerful mutant — Jean Grey. She can levitate, manipulate matter to her will, and potentially even tear her opponents apart on a molecular level. We saw a glimpse of her powers in the trailer, where she effortlessly manipulated Wolverine’s adamantium-laced body with a mere flick of her wrist.

The trailer suggests that some unknown threat destroyed Wolverine’s universe, leaving him unable to save it. It is highly rumored that at some point in time, Cassandra annihilated X-Men in that reality and Logan was unable (or unwilling) to stop her, which is why he is currently shunned from his universe. This ties into another intriguing theory: Cassandra Nova is a multiversal variant of Charles Xavier rather than his evil twin. This aligns perfectly with the MCU’s current Multiverse Saga and could explain the TVA’s involvement. After all, they deal with multiversal variants, not evil twins. This would mean Cassandra is powerful enough to pose a threat to the entire fabric of multiversal reality, not just a single world! Also, check out how Hugh Jackman eventually came back as Logan/Wolverine.

Watch the Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer on YouTube

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