5 Things to Know About Simone Biles’ Sister Adria

Adria Biles is the younger sister of Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles. She is the youngest sibling in the Biles family. The two have an older brother, Ron Jr., and an older sister, Ashley Biles Thomas. She is also a gymnast but only competed in high school and chose to pursue a career in health instead.

Biles has had a challenging upbringing, but she came out on top. Luckily she always had her sister, who was very protective of her. They would do everything together. While as a child, Biles thought her famous sister was bossy, she realized it was all love, and they’re now best friends. Here is everything you need to know about Adria Biles.

1. Adria Biles was Raised in Foster Care

Adria Biles

While the two sisters seem happier than ever, there was a time when these siblings were struggling. At only three years old, Adria and Simone lived with their mother, who was struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. According to Simone Biles’ memoir, concerned neighbors called social services because there were times when they would eat cereal with water. Her mother would give the milk to a stray cat instead. In 2000, Adria, Simone, and their two older siblings were placed in foster care because of these and other living conditions. As they grew older, the four siblings were separated, and Adria and Simone were adopted by Ron and Nellie Biles (their grandparents). The two siblings now refer to their maternal grandparents as their mother and father. The two sisters have a close bond and are protective of each other because of what they had to go through.

2. She Gets Mistaken for Her Older Sister Simone Biles

Adria Biles

Just one look at Adria and you can tell that she is related to Simone Biles. While Adria Biles is a few inches taller than Simone, it’s easy to mistake them. Adria is 5’2″ and  Simone is 4’8″, but they look almost identical in photos on their social media. During an interview at the 2016 Olympics in Rio, Adria Biles revealed that some fans would approach and wave at her every day, thinking she was her sister. They’d even ask for autographs and pictures. But she didn’t mind it one bit. It’s easier for fans to differentiate them when standing together because of their height difference.

3. Adria Biles Has Competed as a Gymnast too

Adria Biles

It’s no surprise that Adria Biles competed as well because this family loves sports. Adria Biles participated in her first gymnastic competition when she was nine. Her famous sister started competing when she was six, and Adria followed her sister’s lead. Biles competed in the junior level and reached the level 9 regionals. But her future is much different from that of her famous sibling. She appears to have stopped competing professionally when she finished high school. In 2020, Biles revealed on Twitter that she was in a program for dental assisting and wanted to pursue hygiene when she was done with it.

4. She Was a Contestant in The Reality Competition, Claim to Fame

Adria Biles

Claim to Fame is a reality TV show that aired its first episode on July 2022. The show asks celebrity relatives to go undercover for the chance to win a cash prize of $100,000. The contestants are supposed to live together in one house and form alliances to win different challenges until the show’s end. Its premise is slightly similar to Relatively Famous: Ranch Rules. When Adria Biles joined the series, it was clear that she was related to Simone Biles. The resemblance was obvious. Fans didn’t understand why she was cast because the two sisters look like twins, except she is taller. Even with an undercover name, Adria never had a chance because it was too obvious.

5. Adria Biles Is in a Happy Relationship

Adria Biles

A quick look through Biles’ Instagram profile will tell you she is happy in a relationship with softball player Janae Jefferson. The couple love to share how in love they are with their followers. Biles sadly faced numerous hate comments because of who she is dating. In September 2022, Biles came out, revealing her sexual orientation, also revealing her family already knew. They were very supportive about it too. Biles is happy, and that’s what matters.

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