Which Netflix Original Movie Matches Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Netflix Original Movie Matches Your Zodiac Sign?

As the blueprint of original streaming programming, Netflix has an enormous catalog of shows and movies that are exclusive to their platform. In recent years, Netflix has amassed an impressive collection of award wins and nominations for their original programming, and for good reason. With hundreds of original movies to choose from, I’ve whittled down the best choices for your zodiac sign! Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Aries – Jonas Brothers Family Roast

Now, Aries, I know this might be a strange choice, but roll with me on this one. This turned out to be WAY funnier than anyone anticipated, and it’s truly a roast for the ages. No one pulls the punches, and even the Jonas Wives get in on the roasting action. With famous faces such as Pete Davidson and Kenan Thompson making appearances, this roast is sure to make you laugh out loud, and shock you with its hilarious honesty.

Taurus – Marriage Story

I know you’re not really the drama type, Taurus, but I feel like this movie might be an exception. Aside from the very obvious fact that Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson give career-best performances, this is an incredible work of film. You’ll never know who to root for, as both of the main characters have their own flaws. With backup from the incomparable Laura Dern, this movie is a slam dunk, even if it’s not your typical genre.

Gemini – Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile

Gemini, you will LIVE for this movie. Zac Efron plays a nearly perfect Ted Bundy, making you uncomfortable at how easily he’s able to lie and evade throughout the duration of the movie. He evokes the unique charisma and chilling charm of the original Ted Bundy, and Lily Collins shines as our heroine. Complete with plot twists and huge reveals, this movie will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

Cancer – Dumplin’

You love a feel-good story, Cancer. You also live for a little petty drama. This movie will serve you both, while giving you the reliable and charming comedic tone of Jennifer Aniston. It follows the story of a young plus size woman who’s mother is a pageant queen; and her journey to becoming the best version of herself with the help of some colorful drag queens. This will have you laughing and crying in the same instant, so buckle up.

Leo – Red Notice

Leo, you live for a good adventure and action flick. This one is a star-studded action-comedy with some of the best in the business; Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot, and Dwayne Johnson. From start to finish, this movie is a globe-trotting mega-adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s sexy, fast-paced, and hilarious; and you’re sure love this exciting adventure flick.

Virgo – The Devil All the Time

Virgo, this is such a solid movie. I would call it a drama/mystery, but it definitely has moments of thriller themes. It tackles some really serious topics (religious corruption, family loyalty, and true justice to name a few) with poise and adept commentary. Tom Holland and Robert Pattinson opposite each other are giving a masterclass in tension; and they really only have one or two scenes opposite each other. Along with supporting cast like Sebastian Stan and Bill Skarsgård, this movie is a home run that you won’t regret.

Libra – The Irishman

Libra, your patience is admirable. And you’ll need that patience to get through this film. Don’t get me wrong, this film is a masterpiece (obviously, it’s Scorsese), it’s just really freaking long. But, if you can pay attention all the way through, you won’t regret it. Robert Di Nero is back in top form, with an ensemble of famous faces, this movie is guaranteed to not disappoint.

Scorpio – The House

Scorpio, this is a really odd-ball choice, which we all know you love those. You have a distinct taste for the macabre and dark, which this movie operates on. It’s a stop-motion flick as well, which adds to the weird and unsettling tone of the film. It’s a dark comedy, which we know you love, with genuine mystery and thriller themes. This odd-ball choice will absolutely fulfill your every interest!

Sagittarius – Murder Mystery

You live for a solid comedy, Sag, as one of the funniest signs of the zodiac. This movie, led by Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston, is a comedy-adventure that takes you across the globe with sweeping landscapes and debonaire story arcs. You’ll be laughing out loud, and on the edge of your seat at the same time. It’s an impressively large-scale production, and definitely shows what Netflix has to offer in the action-adventure landscape.

Capricorn – The Power of the Dog

This has been all over the news lately because of its incredible quality. Benedict Cumberbatch is giving a career highlight performance, under the backdrop of an old western drama. It’s a full-fledged drama that can get dry at some bits, but it’s truly a masterpiece in the collection of Netflix’s original programming. We all know you love a dark drama, and few live up to that name the way this does.

Aquarius – Tick,Tick, BOOM!

Of course you were getting a musical, Aquarius. Andrew Garfield is a perfect fit for portraying the late Johnathan Larson (creator of RENT). His untimely death, with the overarching theme of time moving too fast, will really hit you where it counts. He shares many fears that you do, Aquarius; afraid that he’s already passed his prime, and afraid that he’ll never accomplish his master work. Grab the tissues, Aquarius, you’re gonna need them.

Pisces – Middleditch and Schwartz: Completely Improvised Comedy Specials

Pisces, you’ve got your quirks, and we love you for it. That’s why I’m suggesting this one-of-a-kind gem. Technically, it’s three different hour-long specials, but each one has a different theme that is completely improvised and made up on the spot. It’s ridiculously impressive, and it’s laugh-out-loud funny, showing these two improv geniuses at their peak performance. Just trust me on this one, you’ll live for this.Marriage Story

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