Which Blackballed Actors Should Be Given a Second Chance?


It’s been an odd couple of decades for some celebrities since there have been those that have been allowed to rise and those that were tanked within the last decade or so for one reason or another. In some cases, there are those that have been tanked righteously because of the things they’ve done and/or said, but there are those that might, if given the chance, be able to return to some semblance of greatness if people were willing to believe in them again. To say that one person in Hollywood is problematic is like calling one flamingo in a flock pink while ignoring the rest of them. In this instance, there are those that have done far more harm to their own careers by saying and doing things that were in no way beneficial to those around them, let alone their own careers. Trying to argue for some folks is a bit too difficult while arguing for others might still be difficult, but somehow it’s a little easier than to simply look away and admit that they received what they deserved for their behavior. One of the biggest issues with blaming people in Hollywood for the things they say and/or do is that while there are cases that are more severe than others, a good number of people in show business deserve to have a finger pointed at them at some point, for a number of reasons.

Here are a few actors that should be given a second chance.

4. Jeremy Piven

It almost feels as though Piven was caught on the fringe of the MeToo movement and snagged before he could be passed over. The MeToo movement unfortunately was meant to be positive but ended up become a rallying cry for more people than many want to admit that were just looking for a payday. There were a lot of men that were ruined by this movement, and while some really deserved it probably shouldn’t have been a part of the business for years before that time, it does sound fair to think that Piven and several others were convenient targets at one point, whether they’d done anything or not.

3. Mira Sorvino

Apparently Harvey Weinstein had something to do with this one, as he told at least one or two people that she wasn’t worth working with since she was a difficult individual. Whether she is or not that was a lousy thing to do to be certain since Weinstein has already been proven to be a louse without a doubt. In a lot of ways Mira is still one of the more desired women in show business and should be given the extra push in order to really get her career moving forward again. Considering that she’s acted with a few of the best in the business she can hold her own when on camera, so it’s definitely worth it to see her come back.

2. Brendan Fraser

Brendan didn’t exactly drop off the map but it does feel as though his prospects dried up after a while since The Mummy 3 was a flop and everything else he did really wasn’t that great. Since then his parts have been limited and he’s been relegated to performing in movies and shows that don’t get quite as much attention and are for the most part enough to keep his career on life support for the time being. But to see him come back as the guy he used to be might not be possible. Maybe there’s enough time to get him back in the mix and create a persona that’s a little different, a bit more mature, but still just as skilled.

1. Jim Caviezel

Jim really feels like he wasn’t being allowed to live up to his potential before The Passion of the Christ, but after the movie things went pretty slow despite the performance he put in. This is a guy that can do a lot more than people give him credit for and has played the hero and the villain alternately and been just as good at both. But for one reason or another, his parts just haven’t appeared to be that celebrated.

Maybe a second chance is in order?

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