What You Need To Remember Before The Flash Movie

The Flash movie is set to navigate the interplay between the past plot elements and the future potential of the hero in his standalone film. Making his on-screen debut with a cameo in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the Flash has since cemented his position in the DCEU. This status was further amplified by his significant roles in the two distinct renditions of Justice League.

When DC Studios appointed James Gunn as co-director in October 2022, it stirred speculation about the evolution of the DC universe. In January 2023, Gunn unveiled that The Flash is meant to be a kind of reset button. It should chart a path into the reimagined DCU through Barry’s journey. Altogether, the marketing campaigns for The Flash movie highlight its homage to elements from DCEU’s past.

Bruce Trains Barry and Upgrades His Suit

What You Need To Remember Before The Flash Movie

While it doesn’t come up in the DCEU’s cinematic narrative, a companion comic known as The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive provides significant plot details worth noting. As reflected in the promotional material, Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne will guide Barry. This mentorship is fleshed out in the aforementioned comic, with Bruce shaping Barry into a more adept superhero.

Moreover, Bruce presents Barry with an enhanced Flash suit. The suit Bruce gives Barry comes with a unique feature. It’s the ability to be contained within a ring — an element discernible in The Flash‘s advertising. The ring offers the ability to transform into his suit in a split second. Altogether, that’s a concept initially put forward in the comic series.

Sure, these changes may not be directly linked to the time-travel facets of The Flash. However, the suit’s upgrade and Bruce’s tutelage play a pivotal role in setting the stage for the film. These elements offer vital context to the film’s central characters as the story unfolds.

Flash Meets Another Self and Gets His Name

What You Need To Remember Before The Flash Movie

As we wait for the upcoming Flash movie, it’s crucial to remember a particular crossover that might prove significant. Among various depictions of the Flash, Grant Gustin‘s portrayal on CW’s The Flash stands out. This TV series, coupled with other CW shows, spun a tale in the crossover named “Crisis on Infinite Earths”.

In the episode, Gustin’s Flash embarks on a journey into the Speed Force. As he traverses the Speed Force, Gustin’s Flash unexpectedly meets Ezra Miller’s version of the character. In this surreal encounter, Gustin’s Flash introduces himself by his superhero name. This moment is pivotal, considering up until then, the DCEU’s Barry Allen hadn’t adopted the ‘Flash’ alias.

This event could play an integral part in the narrative of 2023’s The Flash movie. It could offer insight into how he came to bear his superhero moniker. Moreover, this crossover event could significantly shape the time-travel-centric plot of the upcoming film. It even suggests a surprise reappearance from Grant Gustin’s Flash.

Flash Uses Time Travel to Beat Steppenwolf

What You Need To Remember Before The Flash Movie

In Zack Snyder‘s Justice League, a crucial aspect of Barry’s powers was omitted from the 2017 original. A pivotal sequence unravels after the catastrophic failure to divide the Mother Boxes, which annihilates everyone on Earth. Reacting to this disaster, Barry taps into the immense power of his super-speed, enabling him to travel back in time.

His intervention reverses the dire fate as well as his superhero counterparts. It offers them a second chance to disjoin the Mother Boxes successfully. The showcase of this time-reversing feat is an essential milestone in Flash’s character development. Altogether, it establishes the dire impact of his time-traveling ability on altering historical events.

Bruce Invites Flash to the Justice League

What You Need To Remember Before The Flash Movie

The role of Flash in the Justice League is an important element of the narrative. Given that Affleck reprised his role as Batman in The Flash, audiences need to understand the origin of their friendship. After seeing the Flash’s superpowers, Bruce made the journey to Central City to draft him into the Justice League. Barry eagerly accepted this proposal. He then collaborated with the rest of the team to thwart Steppenwolf’s attempt to invade Earth.

Flash Warns Bruce Through Time Travel

What You Need To Remember Before The Flash Movie

One significant scene from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice plays a critical role in shaping aspects of the 2023 film. This scene involves a dream sequence where Bruce Wayne meets Barry via a wormhole. He delivers the urgent message that Lois Lane holds the key and that Bruce needs to locate “the others” before he awakens.

Zack Snyder originally envisioned this scene as a cornerstone for the DCEU. He focused on a dystopian future where an evil Superman reigns, and Lois is the pivot to thwarting his rule. Despite the DCU’s shift from this narrative, the scene establishes The Flash’s time-traveling capabilities. It was this sequence that initially planted the seed for Flash’s time-travel prowess. As The Flash delves into a time-travel-centric narrative, the scene from Batman v Superman will offer valuable context for viewers.

Barry Allen’s mom was killed

What You Need To Remember Before The Flash Movie

Undeniably, Nora Allen’s tragic demise plays a pivotal role in Barry Allen’s narrative. Barry’s mother is initially introduced to audiences in Snyder’s Justice League. Regardless of the medium, every major depiction of The Flash incorporates Nora’s death as a crucial element shaping Barry’s transformation. Nora Allen’s passing has profound implications, not only on Barry’s career as a crime-fighter but also on his life before becoming the Flash. Her death, thus, remains an integral facet of Barry Allen’s character development.

Without unveiling any specific plot twists from the comic books, it is clear that Nora’s death is a central plot device in the forthcoming film. The film’s promotional trailers suggest that the story arc revolves around Barry’s attempts to alter the past to prevent his mother’s death. Nora’s untimely demise has left a mark on Barry in every depiction of The Flash. Her unexplained death feeds directly into the central narrative of The Flash movie. It underscores the need to appreciate the gravity of this event before watching the film. Therefore, the mysterious nature of Nora’s demise is a significant plot element that audiences should bear in mind when delving into Barry Allen’s story.

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