What The Show ‘Married At First Sight’ Teaches Us About Marriage

What The Show ‘Married At First Sight’ Teaches Us About Marriage

Television shows today have evolved. Reality TV especially has become one of the most-watched genres this past decade. There is everything ranging from cooking shows, competitions shows, and love & relationship shows among others. Those focusing on love and relationships have especially become a gold mine for networks. Shows such as The Bachelor, Love is Blind, and A&Es Married At First Sight have registered high viewership ratings. Could it be that viewers are hopeless romantics and want to see the characters involved find genuine love? Or could it be that people enjoy watching the drama that unfolds in these shows? Either way, shows such as Married At First Sight have been successful over the years. Additionally, there are a few life lessons to be learned from this show.

In case you are not familiar with what Married At First Sight is all about, here is a brief recap. According to Bustle, three couples are selected for each show by a team of relationship experts. The couples are married for eight weeks, and they are allowed to decide whether marriage is for them or not. Additionally, they use those weeks to learn more about their partners and decide if they are a good match. When the eight weeks elapse, the couples can choose to either get divorced or stay married. An annulment is never an option, and it is unclear why. It seems totally absurd that two strangers are matched up and asked to get married. Some might consider it a recipe for disaster. However, as the couple moves in together, they face conflicts. The lack of affection in some of the marriages and communication failures lead to a dump in the union. The plotline in this reality show seems out of the way, but watching it allows you to realize that there is more to relationships than what is portrayed on television.

Takeaways Regarding Marriage:

1. Love takes a long time

One couple on the show wanted to call the marriage off right on their honeymoon. The fantasy phase of their relationship ended so fast. The two lived in silence for some time until they developed a communication channel and soon began discovering new things about each other. Some people fall in love at first sight while others take longer. Taking things slow and steady is a sure win for a marriage to succeed, and that’s OK.

2. There’s More to a Relationship than Physical Looks

Another contestant Jaclyn was paired up with a guy who she found less attractive. She admitted that under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t have given him a second chance. There is no denying that we are almost always instantly attracted to good looking people, but marriage boils down to the commitment and love other than looks.

3. Take Time to Bond with Each Other

Eight weeks is an undeniably short time to get to know a person fully. If you want a marriage to work in the long run, you each must take the time to bond over the simple things. Go out on walks, take each other out on dates, and make meals together. Such kinds of things set the tone for your relationship and make the other person feel cared for.

4. Seek Advice from People Who Have Been Married

Finding a real perspective of what you are about to get into will help you brace yourself for the good and turbulent times. Look for people who can provide an honest opinion regarding marriage. People who have been married longer especially always have a clear picture of what marriage truly is. It is wise to try and not buy into the idea of love at first sight. While it might seem like a desirable thing, it, unfortunately, mostly happens in movies. Marriage isn’t a bed of roses, and it is a good idea always to keep that in mind.

5. Sometimes It’s Better to Compromise

Learning how to bridge gaps by compromising lays the foundation for a successful marriage. The willingness to give up something for the sake of keeping your relationship afloat is a good recipe for a successful marriage. Communication and compromise are crucial elements of a successful relationship.

6. Do Not Pry

You might want to know everything there is to know about your partner, but sometimes it is better to get the distinction. According to us, sometimes it is best not to know everything about your partner. He or she might feel like their privacy is being violated if you continuously ask about money or question their fidelity.

7. Keep Your Expectations Low

Everyone has a type. It is, however, of importance to lower your expectations while trying to meet someone new. According to the Huffington Post, expectations are a surging rush of neurochemicals and hormones going through your body. When the expectations aren’t met, there is an extreme disappointment that might end up plaguing the relationship. Lying also destroys a relationship. Trust is seemingly the backbone of every relationship. Finding out that your partner betrayed you can hurt the relationship as it is difficult to overcome the feeling of betrayal.

Final Thoughts

While there are several life lessons to be learned from ‘Married At First Sight’, it’s crucial to keep in mind that it is only but a reality show. The show places its focus on love and romance but unfortunately sets an unconventional way of finding love. It is important to note that the show is just but another edited program with an artificial setting. The show tries to mimic aspects of a real relationship. However, the desire to develop intimacy, closeness, and safety isn’t easy to achieve with cameras following you everywhere and being constantly subjected to scrutiny by social media. This is the reason why most couples on the ‘Married At First Sight’ don’t usually last long together.

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