Upload Season 4: What Fans Can Expect From the Final Season

After a huge cliffhanger ending to Season 3, Amazon officially announced the release of Upload Season 4 in March 2024. Throughout Upload Season 3, Nathan (Robbie Amell) struggled with a rogue copy vying for Ingrid’s (Allegra Edwards) affection, while his relationship with Nora (Andy Allo) was constantly, yet only satirically, jeopardized by the presence of the backup copy. And just when things seemed to stabilize and both Nathans were finding their happy endings, Horizen — the company behind Lakeview — was exposed, and its employees were forced to delete any unauthorized copies of uploaded clients, including Nathan’s.

Upload Season 3 ended in November 2023, and just a few months later on March 6, 2024, we got confirmation that Upload was getting renewed for yet another season. So, what’s next for the series after that cliffhanger ending? What plot twists lie ahead? Keep reading for the latest intel on Upload Season 4!

Which Nathan Brown Died at the End of Season 3?

Robbie Amell as Nathan Brown Upload Scene

At the end of Season 3, the real Nathan was taken by Horizen agents while backup Nathan was captured by the CEO. In the final scene, Nora, Viv (Jessica Tuck), Ingrid, and Mauricio (Peter James Smith) were desperately waiting to hear from any of the Nathans. However, just when they received the call, Nathan told them that they destroyed the other one — but audiences were never able to find out which one. Therefore, Upload Season 4 will kick off from that exact spot and answer the burning question: which Nathan died?

When Robbie Amell was asked about which Nathan had survived, he said he really didn’t know. It was a complete 50/50 shot, and the writers had elaborate stories figured out for both sides. But he went on to say that he finds backup Nathan more fun to play because he’s a little more light-hearted and goofier. He’s obviously still in love with Nora but is getting married to Ingrid. So, if he’s the one that’s left alive, that love triangle is going to get even worse because they’re friends(-ish) now. Amell even went as far as to say that leaving backup Nathan alive would make for better television.

However, It’s difficult to imagine the showrunners killing off the original Nathan. Out of the two options, destroying the real Nathan would notably feel like a step backward for the series — especially for Nathan and Nora’s relationship. Regardless of who survives, Nathan’s captivity will likely be the bulk of the plot of Season 4. Having found the love he always wanted, Nathan will have to fight for his freedom while also trying to maintain his fragile new relationship.

Where Is Nathan’s Business Partner, Jamie Arpaz?

upload season 1 jamie arpaz

Jamie Arpaz (Jordan Johnson-Hinds) was a central figure in Season 1 when it was revealed that Nathan betrayed their partnership by secretly selling the code to Horizen behind Jamie’s back. Since then, Jamie hasn’t really been seen or mentioned in the show. However, Jamie came up again in Season 3 when Nathan found out that his ex-business partner had mysteriously died. The show didn’t shed any light on the cause of his death, possibly because Jamie’s story will be continued in the next season. Maybe he was also killed by David Choak (William B. Davis) and his goons, just like Nathan. This could pave the way for him to appear in the digital afterlife program himself in Season 4.

What Does Horizen’s Rebranding Imply for Upload Season 4?

Horizon changed to Betta Season 3

At the end of Season 3, Horizon changed its name to Betta in a desperate attempt to erase the company’s tarnished reputation. But obviously, it was no more than a PR move, and we can expect Betta to continue the same exploitative Horizen practices. Under the new brand, Horizen made an announcement to introduce a new work wing called “Workload,” through which they could force the Uploads to work in the digital afterlife.

Previously, when the government cut funding for veteran Uploads, we saw how ugly it got for Luke (Kevin Bigley). That’s just one example of what horrors we could witness in the next season when the entire Lakeview turns into a sort of prison camp where Uploads are (possibly) exploited for cheap labor. We’ll probably see Nora and Nathan (whichever one survives) spearhead a resistance against Betta’s oppressive policies. Their fight for digital autonomy and fair treatment for all uploads will likely be a central theme in Season 4. Also check out how the future imagined in Upload is possible.

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