Desperate Housewives 6.21 “A Little Night Music” Recap
There is now a total of THREE psychos running around on Wisteria Lane. THREE. At this rate, the ladies of Wisteria Lane might need to invest in a background c
Desperate Housewives coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews
There is now a total of THREE psychos running around on Wisteria Lane. THREE. At this rate, the ladies of Wisteria Lane might need to invest in a background c
This week’s Desperate Housewives gave us the story of Eddie Orlofsky (Josh Zuckerman), aka The Fairview Strangler, in an episode I would like to call &#
HA!!!! HA!!!! HA!!!!!!! I SOOOOOOO CALLED IT!!!! Your boy is BAD!!!!!!! Desperate Housewives returned in top form by pushing the storylines into overdrive thi
As we get closer to the end of the season, the danger heads to Wisteria Lane faster than a speeding locomotive, but only for a select few on Wisteria Lane. Bu
Wisteria Lane is about to get explosive and the tables are set for a (hopefully) shocking season finale. The Bolen incident is finally revealed and the final
Three things I want to get out the way before we begin this recap: 1) It’s late. I suck. Moving on. 2) ABC airing this episode during closing ceremony o
Last time we left Wistera Lane, Gaby and Carlos had dirt on the Bolens, Lynette and Tom were through with marriage counseling, Bree and Orson decided to give
Due to the “craziness” that was The Grammys, this week’s new Desperate Housewives will probably be overshadowed and forgotten, which is a sh
As much as I hate ratings and what they stand for, I wouldn’t mind knowing how Desperate Housewives did in the ratings last night. They had the two hour
Desperate Housewives this week was kind of lacking and I blame Dollhouse for me feeling this way. I guess after having a whiplash worthy reveal in the latter