The Top Five Maserati Models Featured in Movies

The Top Five Maserati Models Featured in Movies

Fancy cars are always going to find their way into movies, and the Maserati is not about to be left behind. As one of the premier cars in the world its sleek lines and elegant shape is hard to miss in any movie. It caters to those that have the best taste and no excess baggage to carry with them. It’s a toy, more or less, but it does serve a purpose other than being good looking and fast. Making its way into movies is just a formality for a car this sleek.

Here are a few movies that wouldn’t have been quite the same without an impressive set of wheels to show off.

5. Maserati BiTurbo 425i – License to Kill

James Bond and his many villains have to have fancy rides, it’s almost as though it’s written in a rule book somewhere that spies and bad guys just have to exhibit a sense of style and panache. If not for their strict adherence to luxury they might be rolling around in VW Beetles and Econoline vans that would look extremely clunky and just wrong for the movie. It does seem strange though that you hardly ever see a spy or villain rolling around in something that could offer speed and the chance to do maximum damage all at once.

4. Maserati Quattroporte III – Godfather III

When you’re the Godfather appearances are everything. You must be able to show that you’re a man of good taste and can provide for your family. Even when it seems a bit excessive it’s still important to remember that station and power are everything in some cultures. Keeping up the status quo is a vital component to the lifestyle and must always be observed. I doubt you’d ever see the Godfather or any of his retinue ever pull up in a station wagon. That might be considered an insult.

3. Maserati 3200 GT – Underworld

When you’re a vampire that’s lived for centuries it pays to look your best and only drive the best. Plus, Selene is all about speed and practicality. The sleek look of the Maserati in this film is on par with her appearance and caters to her needs quite well. It has the power, the speed, and the maneuverability that she seems to like. So why go with anything else when you’ve got a powerful machine that does just what you want?

2. GranTurismo Coupe – Limitless

If all it took was a simple little pill to unlock the mysteries of the mind then a good part of the population would be signing up in a heartbeat. If it meant that you could live the good life and suffer few if any real consequences for you actions, at least right away, then it’s a safe bet that most people would take it without thinking twice. Of course, cruising around in a Maserati, making new friends on the fly, and being able to notice the world around you in its entirety would have to come with a heck of a drawback just to even things out.

1. Maserati Spyder – Casino Royale

Once again Bond needs to drive the most up to date and slick-looking luxury car on the road. Sometimes however it might not be a case of personal choice so much as it is one of necessity. Sometimes he works with the tools he’s given, which in this case could be a Maserati. Would that all of us have that kind of toolbox when we needed it.

The Maserati is like an exotic animal let loose upon the roadways. It’s fun to look at, but many people would likely be afraid just to touch it.


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