The Top Five Jack Black Movies of His Career

The Top Five Jack Black Movies of His Career

Some people have gotten genuinely tired of Jack Black while others at least can acknowledge that he’s been growing as an actor throughout the last several years. At one point he was little more than the out of control guy that would yell a lot and make funny references to this or that while trying to get through the movie. Now however he’s calmed down and is the actor that is still uproariously funny but knows when to reel it in so as to keep the movie on an even keel. That’s maturity but that’s also the realization of what it means to be a team player, which he seems to have gotten at some point in his career.

He’s been a team player for a while really, but it was harder to tell thanks to his out of control roles.

5. Jumanji

One of his most recent roles, the reboot, or continuation, or whatever you want to call it of Jumanji sees four teenagers sucked into a reconditioned game that’s mimicked a video game so as to appeal to a new generation of kids. Unfortunately they aren’t for certain just who the avatars are and end up being transported into bodies that are anything but what they expected. For instance, Bethany becomes Sheldon, a middle-aged man whose weakness is endurance of all things.

4. Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny

Back in his wilder days he was so out of control that it was hard to follow Jack at times. Seriously, he was all over the map so to speak when he was younger and while he was a funny guy he still was hard to get into since his sense of humor was kind of out there. But if there’s one thing he has going for him, and he has a few, his movies are still fun to watch just because he’s all over the place.

3. School of Rock

This isn’t exactly the kind of guy you would want teaching your kids from the outset since in the movie he’s anything but responsible and is usually bound to screw up in some spectacular fashion. But when it came to music he was the kind of guy that could teach kids a lot since he was passionate enough and more than knowledgeable enough to get the job done. If he’d been an actual teacher the movie might not have been quite as popular.

2. Kung Fu Panda

Some folks might think that this movie deserves to be in the top spot and usually it would be since Po was a character that Jack Black did especially well at. The movie is more than just Kung Fu and it’s more than just what it takes to be skilled at fighting. It’s also about what it takes to realize one’s self worth and how it can be found in such an easy manner no matter how hard one looks.

1. Shallow Hal

This movie had a big moral that didn’t go unheeded since it showed people that you can’t ever judge just by appearances no matter how easy it so notice the beauty or lack thereof on the outside. A lot of folks might have taken this as little more than a comedy, but in truth it was a good lesson on what it takes to be a decent human being.

As of now Jack Black is still able to get crazy but maturity has manged to calm him down just enough to make it even more funny.

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