7 Things You Didn’t Know About Toy Story’s Tim Allen

Tim Allen, born Timothy Alan Dick on June 13, 1953, Allen is an actor and comedian known for his roles in television shows and films such as Home Improvement, and for voicing Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story franchise. The series gently poked fun at society’s preoccupation with machismo, power tools, and the quest to impress women. His comedic style, rooted in traditional verbal humor, seamlessly merged with a penchant for exaggerated physical comedy, setting him apart from his contemporaries in the world of comedy and acting. This unique blend of comedic approaches not only distinguished Tim Allen but also propelled him to stand out prominently among his peers.

Tim Allen’s career has spanned over four decades and in this period has left his mark on the entertainment industry. His early struggles and his remarkable comeback reveal the remarkable depth and complexity of this much-loved entertainer. Brace yourself for an exploration of the untold tales and surprising facts that weave the tapestry of Tim Allen’s journey to stardom.

1. He Was One of Nine Kids

tim allen facts

Tim Allen was born in Denver, Colorado, to Martha Katherine and Gerald M. Dick. His mother was involved in community service, while his father worked as an insurance agent. Among 6 siblings, he is the third oldest. However, tragedy struck when at the young age of 11, Allen’s father lost his life in a devastating incident involving a drunk driver in November 1964. Following this heartbreaking event, his mother found love again and married her high school sweetheart, who happened to have three children from a previous relationship.

2. Tim Allen Wanted To Be A Semi-Truck Driver or a Bulldozer Operator

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Toy Story’s Tim Allen

Tim Allen’s career aspirations before he ventured into comedy and acting took a different direction from the entertainment industry. He initially harbored a desire to become a semi-truck driver or a bulldozer operator. These ambitions highlight his fascination with operating heavy machinery and the allure of careers involving transportation and construction. However, as fate would have it, Tim Allen’s path led him toward the world of comedy and acting, where he ultimately found immense success and became a household name.

3. Whenever He Appears on a Talk Show, He Rearranges the Furniture in his Dressing Room

Richard Karn, from left, Tim Allen and Corpus Christi native April Wilkerson star in "Assembly Required," a new competition show on the History Channel.

It is said that whenever Allen makes an appearance on a talk show, he has a peculiar habit of rearranging the furniture in his dressing room. This fact provides insight into Tim Allen’s desire for control and his need to create an environment that suits his preferences and comfort. While some individuals may find solace in familiar surroundings or have particular preferences when it comes to their working space, Allen’s inclination to rearrange the furniture adds an interesting dimension to his backstage routines.

4. He Turned Down $50 Million For Season 9 Of Home Improvement

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Toy Story’s Tim Allen

A surprising fact about Tim Allen is that he made a significant decision to turn down a staggering offer of $50 million for Season 9 of the popular sitcom Home Improvement. This unexpected choice surprised many, as the show had enjoyed tremendous success and was a rating hit during its run. His co-star Patricia Richardson also turned down $25 million to do Season 9 because she felt the series had pretty much run through every possible storyline.

5. Tim Allen Sold Drugs in His Early Twenties

tim allen facts

Shaken by the untimely passing of his father, who tragically lost his life in a car accident in 1964 when Allen was a mere 11 years old, the comedian had a turbulent adolescence. High school was a period where he merely went through the motions with little focus on his academics. After a brief stint at Central Michigan, Allen enrolled at Western Michigan University, where he began nurturing his entrepreneurial skills through the sale of illegal narcotics.

However, his life took a drastic turn in October 1978, around three years after officially embarking on his stand-up career, when he was apprehended at the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek Airport for possessing more than 650 grams of cocaine. Allen opted to plead guilty to drug trafficking charges, striking a deal to avoid a life sentence in exchange for providing authorities with information about other prominent drug dealers. As a result, he served slightly over two years in a correctional facility located in Minnesota, paying the price for his involvement in the illicit drug trade.

6. Tim Allen Perfected His Stand-up Comedy Skills While in Prison

tim allen facts

One of the reasons the presiding judge Patrick McCauley was a bit lenient in his ruling was because of Allen’s cooperation with the authorities and the promising comedy career he saw ahead. During his time in prison, Tim Allen dedicated himself to honing his stand-up comedy skills. Despite the challenging circumstances, he saw an opportunity to refine his craft and develop his comedic talent. Allen seized the chance to perform for fellow inmates, using humor as a means of entertainment and a way to uplift spirits in a restrictive environment. Through these experiences, he continued to sharpen his comedic timing, delivery, and stage presence, transforming the prison setting into an unexpected training ground for his future success in the world of comedy.

7. He Has Spent Some Time In Rehab

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Toy Story’s Tim Allen

At a certain point in his life, Tim Allen sought help and spent time in a rehabilitation program. In 1997, during the height of the popularity of Home Improvement, Tim Allen faced a highly publicized arrest for driving under the influence. The incident took place in May when he was caught driving his Ferrari at a speed of 70 mph in a zone with a speed limit of 40 mph. Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, Allen pleaded guilty to the charge of drunk driving. As a result, he received a sentence of one-year probation and voluntarily entered a rehabilitation program.Tim Allen

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