Super Fun Night 1.17 Review: “…Till The Fat Lady Sings”

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The show is called Super Fun Night, but last night’s episode was anything but for a multitude of reasons. First of all, it was the first episode since the show started that didn’t focus on the trio’s M.O. of having a Friday fun night. It was more like ‘Sad Season (Series?) Finale’ or ‘Let’s All Talk About Our Feelings’ night. The episode wrapped up some loose ends that were remnants from the previous week’s storyline. Last week we saw Kimmie and Richard finally kiss, Marika discovers she likes the ladies, and Kendall changing her ways and not being as selfish a being.

Marika discovered some major news about herself last week and this week she embraces who she really is. But she is also shy about admitting to her close friends Kimmie and Helen-Alice that she prefers females and even hides her relationship with her girlfriend from H-A. When Marika comes clean about her romance choices, her best pals don’t even flinch, making it known that they were very aware that she is a lesbian prior to her telling them.

Team James or Team Richard, that is the question. Kimmie has a hard time choosing between the friends, but suffice to say it’s Team James’ moment of glory. Although I personally – especially after last week’s Valentine’s Day themed show – was very Team Richard, we were secretly rooting for Kimmie and James to get back together. They get each other and he seems very much into her – what more could a girl ask for?!

The highlight of the entire episode was the weekly musical number at the end of each 22-minute episode each week. This one after season finale pulled out all the stops, with the primary cast members giving a performance of Queen’s “Fat Bottomed Girls.”

Whether or not the show gets picked up for another season, Super Fun Night defied the norm in many ways and made many a change for the norms of comedies. Good luck in getting renewed at least one more season. For lack of better words, the show was very much so a part of a super fun journey.

[Photo via Nicole Wilder/ABC]

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