Stars Wars: Rogue One Trailer Introduces a New Group of Heroes and Villains

Star Wars: Rogue One

The first official teaser trailer for Star Wars: Rogue One, or as it’s officially called, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, debuted this morning on Good Morning America. In just under two minutes, the trailer sets the tone for the first anthology film in the Star Wars universe and makes it very clear that this is not Episode VIII.

One of the many ways the Rogue One trailer makes this distinction so clear is by introducing us to an entirely new set of characters, including Felicity Jones’ Jyn Erso. We don’t learn too much about Jyn in this first trailer, but we are informed that she’s been on her own since she was 15 and that she has a rich criminal history.

“This is a rebellion, isn’t it?” she says. “I rebel.”

In addition to Jones, the trailer also features shots of characters played by Forest Whitaker, Diego Luna, and Bloodline‘s Ben Mendelsohn, who looks particularly menacing during the few seconds he appears, not to mention an appearance from Mon Mothma. The specifics of the story, which we know centers on this group of rebels stealing the plans for the Death Star, aren’t given, and that’s completely fine. Viewers leave this trailer knowing that Rogue One is a different type of Star Wars movie: it’s a war film.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on December 16. Check out the teaser trailer below:

[Photo via YouTube]

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