South Park Creators Launch New DeepFake News Show “Sassy Justice”

South Park Creators Launch New DeepFake News Show “Sassy Justice”

Deepfake is hitting another level as South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone are helping to create a show titled Sassy Justice, a Deepfake news show that will be using the likeness of President Donald Trump, something that might sound a bit risky to some folks, but is right up Stone and Parker’s alley since anyone that’s been watching South Park for a while would understand that they’re not above starting a bit of controversy, largely because they’ll get away with it. There are likely be those that will find this highly offensive, but that’s kind of how it goes in show business since if one thing is found offensive people are bound to speak out against it and sometimes even try to get it canceled, unless they happen to like and agree with it, and then they’ll simply accept it and move on, or even enjoy the program. There’s little to no real balance when it comes to fans and how they react to certain forms of entertainment since bias is one of the many names of this particular game, and it’s something that those in show business play off of on a regular basis. So if a Trump supporter is offended by this, oh well. If a Biden supporter enjoys it, okay then. The point is, if it’s seen as entertainment in any way it’s better to simply roll with it and admit that it’s not going to please everyone.

With the presidential election coming up pretty quickly it’s not hard to see how the media will continue to show anything and everything to sway the people when it comes to voting and when it comes to simply showcasing the presidential candidates, current POTUS Donald Trump, and senator Joe Biden. The fact that Parker and Stone are using a Deepfake of Trump in this program isn’t surprising in the least since one thing that’s been pretty obvious since 2016 is that much of Hollywood is not pro-Trump and never have been. It’s amusing how many people would schmooze up to Trump before he was president, but from 2016 on have completely condemned him. This show will be a complete fabrication and a spoof that Stone and Parker will be helping with that will use Trump’s likeness as a news anchor, but at the same time it does feel as though a lot of people will be using this as a means to complain in one voice or many. Of course, we’ll have to wait and see what happens, and if that belief will become accurate, or if people will see the humor and just roll with it as is needed.

One thing about any TV show, particularly comedies, is that they’re all in good fun, most of the time, and there’s little if any real need to be offended by them no matter if they’re flattering or meant to be just as deragotory as some of them have been made out to be. When it comes to Trump, the POTUS is known for saying a few things that leave him open to mockery, just as much as Biden does. But Sassy Justice definitely appears to be taking matters in a direction that, if taken too far, could possibly be seen as something that crosses a line, at least in some minor way. To say that Parker and Stone aren’t too worried about this is an understatement since they’ve been doing what they want for quite some time, and are nearly impervious to the blowback that might be coming from any Trump supporter that doesn’t appreciate this act. Whether they selected Trump for personal or professional reasons doesn’t really matter, since the whole point is that they’re commenting more on the fear of Deepfakes and the whole idea that people have been thinking that Deepfake will be used to take over society at some point. The fear is one that a good number of people have voiced to be certain since the technology appears to be moving forward at a pretty good clip. It’s not an unfounded fear to be honest, since facial recognition and the idea that a camera can be tricked and someone else’s face can be used for just about anything is terrifying to some people. But this is why Stone and Parker had to speak up, since they’re all about making something that speaks to the moment, and Deepfake has become a pretty big moment for some people.

So yes, using Trump’s likeness is bound to upset a few people, but oh well. It’s comedy, it’s satire, and it’s not to be taken any more seriously than South Park is, so the moment that people decide to calm down and just watch the show for what it is, then all the better. Seriously, comedy is supposed to be funny.

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