Credit: @sherimoonzombieofficial
Aside from the fact that she’s got one of the most unforgettable names in Hollywood, Sheri Moon Zombie is what you might call cool. She’s a little bit of everything from a fashion designer to a dancer to a wife and a friend. She grew up in a small town in Connecticut with aspirations to become a voice actress. There was a brief moment she entertained the thought of becoming an MTV VJ. However talented she may be, though, it’s her role as legendary rocker Rob Zombie’s wife for which she is most recognizable.
1. Sheri Moon Zombie isn’t Her Birth Name
It’s a cool name, but she wasn’t born with it. She was born with a slightly more down-to-earth name. She’s Sheri Lyn Skurkis. She was born in California – San Jose, to be precise – on September 26, 1970. She didn’t grow up in California, though. Her family moved to Plainville, Connecticut, and that’s where she spent her childhood. She graduated from high school at the local school.
2. Rob Zombie Hired Sheri as a Dancer in the 90s
She wasn’t always his wife, but she did begin her career in entertainment as his backup dancer when he went solo. She was a big fan of White Zombie, but she also knew she needed to be part of his solo career when he took off on his own. She danced for him, and they proceeded to spend nine years of their early life dating.
3. Her Wedding Anniversary is on Halloween
When your name is Rob Zombie, and you marry Sheri Moon, you do it on Halloween, obviously. These two were married on Halloween 2002, and it just works for them. We cannot imagine a better day for this couple to celebrate their love.

Credit: @sherimoonzombieofficial
4. She’s Bi-Coastal
Moon Zombie and her husband spend their time living between coasts. Most of their work is done in LA, so they keep a home in California. However, they are particularly fond of Connecticut, where she grew up. They maintain a farm there, and they split their time between both homes.
5. Sheri Moon Zombie’s Farm is Not a Traditional Farm
Her Connecticut farm is not your traditional farm. She’s not raising cattle or sheep for the slaughter. She’s not doing any major crop planting. She saves rescue animals, and she keeps them on her farm. One of her biggest passions is helping animals and working for their rights, so she saves them when she needs them. She’s got a farm just for them, and she enjoys every moment she spends there.
6. She’s a Vegan
Of course, being an animal rights activist and being a vegan typically go hand-in-hand, so this should come as no surprise to anyone. Moon Zombie does not eat meat, but we don’t know when she chose to go meatless in her diet.
7. She Was On her Own at 17
By choice, of course. She finished high school in Connecticut and bailed for Los Angeles. She wanted to work and have fun, and she calls herself a bit of a former wild child. “Seventeen is really young to move out of state and be on your own,” she said of her younger years. “I mean, I wanted to play and have fun and be responsibility-free, but eventually, you have to buckle down and get a job. So I was a little wild child when I was younger.”

Credit: @sherimoonzombieofficial
8. She Was Not Nice To Her Husband When They Met
He was performing with his band in New Haven, Connecticut, and she met him for the first time. The thing is, though, she wasn’t particularly kind to him. She doesn’t go into detail about why she wasn’t nice to him when they first met, but she did ask him once, “I was kinda mean to you the first night we met, right?” and he confirmed that she was, in fact, not the nicest person that evening. Thankfully, they moved past that, and their love story worked out.
9. Their Halloween Wedding Was Not on Purpose
What we love about their love story is that Halloween sounds so much like them as a couple, but it was entirely accidental. They had been together for almost a decade, and they were planning a large wedding. During an evening walk through their neighborhood, they realized they only wanted to elope and get married together. They didn’t want to fuss about the wedding they were planning, so they took off, eloped, and that’s that.
10. She’s a Potter
If that’s the correct word for it, of course. Essentially, she spins pottery on her own. She enjoys her time in her studio working on her pottery making, which brings her joy. She occasionally shares her work with her fans.
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