credit: She-Hulk
One can’t help but admit that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to hear that people continue to like this show since, thus far, She-Hulk has done more bashing of the MCU that she belongs to than actual participation. That feels like it could change in the episodes to come, but as of now, it feels as though the character has done little more than get wrapped up in her own emotions and find ways to emasculate the MCU in a very notable way. In other words, She-Hulk is less about being a part of the MCU than she is about mocking it. While she might not be trying to dismantle the franchise, the writers of this show are obviously having fun as they poke and prod at the franchise in many ways, which isn’t a bad thing, but becomes bothersome when there’s little to no action happening other than a fight with flying, furry demons and a one-punch knockout that occurred in the initial episode. So far, the best fight in this series was between She-Hulk and her cousin, the Hulk.
Titania has become a grand joke so far.
The fact that Titania initiated a court battle and not much else so far is a sign that the MCU is, in fact, heading in a different direction, or it’s a superb fake-out that will set a lot of people back on their heels once it’s over and done with. In any case, it’s fair to say that the writers of this series are at this time wearing thin on the nerves of many fans since they don’t appear too keen on letting up on the jokes and jibes that have been a part of this series since episode one. As for Titania, the fact that she was one-shotted by She-Hulk isn’t too surprising, but the idea of making her a fashion mogul is, more or less, a decision that could have been given a second thought.
The vapid nature of the characters in this series is enough to make one’s stomach churn.
The fanboy attitude, the constant simp behavior, and the vapid, materialistic nature of the majority of those in this series are enough to make just about anyone cringe since it is kind of, well, disturbing to think that there are people like this in the world. Not only that, but the fact that people now like Jennifer for being She-Hulk and are more inclined to speak to her when she’s in her green form is kind of depressing, really. It makes a person feel that this series is all about stereotypes, both building them and trying to mock them at the same time. Those who are finding this funny at the moment might need to take a step back and just recognize how foolish this looks. Of course, that might be the point since this show has been all about looking foolish since the start. So far, nothing has really come from this show other than the idea that She-Hulk is more about trying to uphold her public image and less about doing what she’s naturally gifted to do.

credit: She-Hulk
Jen’s friends are more than a little annoying.
The idea that they’re trying to help her is kind of ridiculous since they’re trying to help themselves by using the reputation that she’s earned but doesn’t want. Perhaps it comes with being at the level that She-Hulk is at or being expected to dress or behave in a certain manner, but at this point, the show hasn’t done much other than to show the most irritating and nausea-inducing traits of its characters in an attempt to do something that hasn’t been attempted yet, which is to see how far the MCU fans can be pushed. Some might argue with this by stating that the MCU has done this on multiple counts, but the fact is that She-Hulk is actively poking the fans to see how far they are willing to with this series. As of now, it feels as though the poking and prodding to see how far the story can be taken in this manner. But again, it also feels as though it’s building to something that will hopefully justify everything that’s already come.
So far, She-Hulk isn’t one of the more exciting shows.
The fact that Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel were far more interesting than this series thus far is kind of hard to say since it was a big hope that She-Hulk would come forth in a manner that might make it worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as the Hulk. But so far, this show has been kind of a long-running joke that is starting to wear thin. Thankfully, at the end of this episode, it was made clear that we might be seeing another hero coming soon.
Hopefully, things will move quicker soon.
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