credit: See
After two seasons of people not believing in this show and so many wondering why it continued for so long, this finale was set to be one of the greatest episodes of all, and to be fair, it did live up to the hype, at least for a bit. The battle between Maghra, Sibeth, Tormada, and Baba Voss (let’s be honest, most of the army is fodder) came down to a moment when all appeared hopeless, but the ending of the battle was explosive enough, at least.
Watching Ranger and Baba taking on the Trivantes was fun since it didn’t look simple, nor did it appear as though they would get out without shedding their own blood. But (spoilers ahead) the losses that were incurred and the damage that Tormada’s bombs ended up doing were tremendous, and it feels accurate to say that had this finale gone any other way, it wouldn’t have felt right. It was a little tough to see things change as they did, but in every story, it needs to be remembered that to move on and push forward, one can’t always carry the past with them without risking the balance of things to come.

credit: See
The long-awaited death of Sibeth took place the way it needed to.
Those who have stuck around to see how the show ends (there are still a few) were no doubt satisfied on a certain level to see that Sibeth finally met her end, as it has been coming for too long and has been denied to the fans for just as long. But playing on her sister’s willingness to believe that she would come groveling to her in order to stop the bombardment of her city, Sibeth made her final miscalculation.
While Maghra did appear to give Sibeth one last chance, it became obvious that she had come to the realization that her sister wouldn’t stop and that she wouldn’t show mercy if left to her own devices. Thus, Maghra finally did what she knew would be the only way to stop her sister. She managed to get in close, and she stilled Sibeth for good.
The ending wasn’t perfect, which led to a much better resolution that can be believed.
Happy endings that are tied up all neatly with a bow, so to speak, aren’t such a bad thing, but they’re not exactly realistic when it comes to what people expect from life. Instead, endings that rely on actual resolutions and any and all problems that come with them are a little easier to take since they tend to be easier to recognize when it comes to reality. With the end of the war between Paya and the Trivantes, things don’t right themselves immediately, there is no huge celebration, other than Haniwa’s wedding to Wren, and there is no way to state that the survivors miss their loved ones but still remember them with a smile.
No, there is still an overlying issue with the Trivantes concerning sighted individuals, and Maghra still misses Baba Voss after his willing sacrifice to destroy Tormada’s bombs. Despite how it sounds, Tormada was made to suffer before he died, as Ranger took care of this matter, and the rest of the city was spared any further bombardment when Baba took out the entire allotment of explosives. There is resolution, but there is pain to go along with it, which feels far more natural.

credit: See
The future still feels uncertain.
It would appear that relations are still uncertain between the sighted and the blind and that they will remain so as both factions exist in the same world but experience it in very different ways. The difficulty that could exist between Kofun and his son as the child grows prompts the prince to think of experiencing the world in the same way that his son will, while Haniwa and Wren make their way to a distant location that might suit them better than a world that will not accept them because of their sight.
The Trivantes are apparently concerned that since sight aided in the construction of Tormada’s bombs, it is a sense to be feared and ostracized, and it does not appear that anyone is willing to give enough ground to make certain that the other side feels safe, as Haniwa makes her feeling known in a fiery tirade that could be taken in a very negative light.
If anyone has the ambition, this show could see another season, maybe.
The ending leaves one thinking that the relationship between the sighted and the blind could climb to new levels of violence and unrest since, as Haniwa and Wren find a community of sighted individuals, it feels as though Haniwa’s words of anger toward the Trivantes could return to haunt her. Not only that, but Tamacti Jun makes it clear that vision is returning to the people. It is not a fluke that Maghra’s children were born sighted. There could be another war to brew if anyone was interested.
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