credit: See
Amazingly, even after the bombardment of the city, the worst has not yet come for the Payan empire since it would appear that Sibeth wants to humiliate her in front of the entire kingdom and remind her younger sister Maghra why she is the true queen. Unfortunately for Sibeth, Maghra is no longer bound to be intimidated since, for close to two decades, she has been on the run from her sister, and she’s determined to avoid kneeling in front of her sister, where her people can see. Thanks to a final assist from Harlan, Haniwa, and Wren are able to find a series of tunnels that lead out of the city, meaning that once Sibeth becomes wise to the idea that Maghra and the people are no longer within the city, it’s easy to think that she’ll raze the place to the ground. In the meantime, Kofun, who was taken captive, was released to deliver the message to his mother and escaped with the rest of the citizens as Baba Voss and Ranger stayed behind. The end is nigh for See, and it does feel that the final showdown is going to be a fitting end to this series.

credit: See
Sibeth has poked the bear a few too many times.
From the start of the first season, Sibeth has been a miserable character since she’s one of the most entitled and arrogant individuals that has ever been created, and her arc has never really shown her as anything else. There were times when it might have been possible to feel sorry for her, but those moments were fleeting since the moment that she appeared weak was usually followed by another moment in which she was able to return to her old self and remind everyone around her that she is the queen and she is ordained by God to rule. This is the type of character that, in real life, many people can’t stand unless they’re sycophants that can’t and won’t think for themselves. Many people find this type of individual to be insufferable since they can’t help but demand attention and obedience in a manner that many aren’t ready to give. But Sibeth has made it clear that so long as she draws breath, she’s not going to stop being who she is and will do anything and everything to anyone she needs to in order to get her way. When it comes to Baba Voss, she might have gone a little too far for once.
Ranger and Baba can’t take on an army by themselves, but they can cause a serious amount of damage.
The last scene of this episode makes it apparent that Baba and Ranger are fully set on walking into the teeth of Sibeth’s army to avenge Maghra and the many people who have been wronged by the queen and the Trivantes. Their hearts are in the right place, but one can’t help but think that their minds will need to be moving like the wind to ensure that they’re standing at the end of this final encounter. Despite what people feel about this show, the desire to see Baba still standing at the end, along with Ranger, is great enough that it should happen that these two can find a way to weave their way through the queen’s army in order to make sure that she remembers what it is to fear before she’s finally dead. Baba Voss and Ranger have both made it clear that they’re deadly warriors that won’t stop until the last breath leaves their bodies.

credit: See
One way or another, Sibeth and Tormada need to be dealt with.
These two characters are, without any doubt, the worst of anyone in this series since they both see the lives of everyone else as expendable unless they’re able to serve a purpose that they find useful. Plus, the lack of hesitation to use weapons of mass destruction against her own people marks Sibeth as a woman who will use the ultimate trump card, that she is divine retribution come to those who have angered her and done wrong in her eyes. The fact that all sighted people are seen as witches is kind of ridiculous, but it says a lot about this particular world. As for Tormada, he might need to be dispatched by one of his own weapons just to see what it feels like.
The weapons of the ‘ancients’ are probably better off being lost.
A lot of people have commented on how insane it appears when the blind seek to attack each other and defend, but from a philosophical standpoint, it does feel that the absence of the ancient weapons that have caused so much destruction was far better in this story. The presence of such weaponry has added a serious challenge, though, and one that upped the stakes in a big way but also made folks wonder how in the world it could have happened.
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