Things are definitely getting stranger by the hour on Resurrection. This aptly titled episode featured a handful of people suffering from insomnia with all different causes.
First up we have Henry, awakened by a scared Jacob asking him to double check that his bedroom windows are locked. Henry was already having trouble sleeping because of the fallout from his fight with Lucille when he accused her of being so quick to let the memory of their son go and embrace this returned version of the same boy. Jacob’s even noticed that his father has been acting weird around him ever since he returned, and Henry might be starting to accept the twisted reality that this is in fact his son.
Bellamy’s woken up after he has some nightmares recalling a past case he worked on, also involving a child. We see through flashbacks that he placed a young boy into a home, but later when he was going back to visit the kid, it was too late. It’s implied that the father was abusive and probably had a hand in the death. From his jail cell Caleb was taunting Bellamy, saying that he has the answers he’s looking for in regards to the child who’s been haunting his dreams.
Just as Caleb was about to spill whatever information he has on Bellamy’s past, he disappears. It was very cool how they shot this scene as we could see Caleb through a water cooler for one second, then he was gone the next. I have some theories of my own on why this happened. We saw he hid the stolen money from his bank robbery under the porch where only Elaine could find it, and when she does, she’s pissed. She’s learned the truth about her dad’s involvement in the bank robbery before he died 13 years ago, and now he used her position at the bank to do it all over again. Maybe this was all he was brought back for, his second chance to do things right by his kids and he screwed it up by not actually changing at all. If this is the case, then I wonder why Jacob needed a second chance at life. Maybe his is a more innocent reason, that he simply died too young and he’s here to live out his life to the fullest. Either that or Caleb discovered they also possess the superpower of teleportation (yeah, right.) Only time will tell if we see him again on the show or if he’s really gone for good. But if he is gone for good, how will we get answers as to how/why/where he ended up?
Maggie checks out Rachael as a favor for Tom after she’s been experiencing some dizzy spells. I’d imagine she has the same (now typical) symptoms of an increased metabolism and insomnia like Jacob and Caleb, but something else is going on with her too. Her tests indicate that she’s pregnant. Rachael begs Maggie not to tell anyone, especially Tom, but it’ll only be a matter of time before the word is out. It’s assumed that she was pregnant before she died 12 years ago, but we don’t know how far along she is or if she was even aware of her condition when she killed herself. Just last week Tom was reassuring his wife that he wouldn’t let anyone get in between their marriage, but the news that Rachael is pregnant will surely shake things up.
Caleb’s most recent bank robbery caught the attention of the FBI, drawing them to Arcadia soon. His subsequent disappearance from his jail cell won’t be an easy one to explain, even with the surveillance footage. Any involvement of government outside of the jurisdiction of this small town will not bode well for the newly resurrected citizens and their families. The FBI won’t necessarily be looking for Jacob for any reason but I doubt they’ll just shrug their shoulders and leave once they discover that the suspect of the bank robbery was a dead man who vanished into thin air.
If you’re watching the show, share your own theories or thoughts with us!
[Photo via Guy D’Alema /ABC]
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