The MCU Star Who Wants To Star In Quentin Tarantino’s Final Movie

With Quentin Tarantino’s tenth and final movie marking his last entry into cinema, big Hollywood stars are expressing interest in grabbing a role. Tarantino has worked with some of the best talent in cinema and has directed some of them to Oscar nominations, even gathering a couple of wins for the likes of Brad Pitt and Christoph Waltz. Despite his success, Tarantino has stated for a long time that he will retire from filmmaking after his tenth movie.

The Movie Critic will serve as Tarantino’s final film and will center on a female movie critic navigating Hollywood in the early 1970s. While no casting details have been announced as of yet, MCU star Elizabeth Olsen has expressed interest in working with Tarantino. The film is set to begin filming in the fall of 2023 – so the chances are, casting is already underway.

Why Elizabeth Olsen Deserves A Role In Quentin Tarantino’s The Movie Critic

Elizabeth Olsen

Elizabeth Olsen is the younger sister to Nickelodeon mega-stars Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. While her sisters became incredibly famous at a tender age, they slid off the radar soon after their show ended. However, Elizabeth has paved her way to become one of the finest leading ladies in Hollywood. Her roles in the MCU universe have turned her into a huge superstar, playing Wanda Maximoff across a range of blockbuster movies. She has worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood and manages to steal the show in most of the scenes she is in.

When speaking with Variety in April 2023, Olsen listed her favorite movie directors and then took the opportunity to discuss her future ambitions. She stated how she would “love to work with Tarantino before he retires, with his one last movie.” It’s fair to say that Olsen will be up against heaps of competition for a spot in The Movie Critic, but with Tarantino being a self-proclaimed cinephile – he’s most likely seen her work. While Tarantino is not a huge fan of MCU movies, there is one role of Olsen’s he has most likely seen.

Elizabeth Olsen Has The Capability To Lead Tarantino’s Final Movie

Elizabeth Olsen Wind River

Elizabeth Olsen’s portrayal of Wanda Maximoff put her on the map as an actress to watch out for, but it was her role in Taylor Sheridan’s Wind River where she really got a chance to showcase her dramatic ability. Wind River saw Olsen star as an FBI agent who travels to the Wyoming Native American reservation to investigate the murder of a young woman. Upon realizing she is out of her depths, she enlists the help of a veteran hunter (played by Jeremy Renner) who is dealing with his own haunted past.

Olsen delivered an outstanding rendition in her first leading role, and her performance was also met with some solid critical acclaim. The movie’s disturbing subject matters were subdued by a nuanced and dynamic chemistry between Olsen and Renner. With such a weighty performance on her resume, it would be shocking to think that Tarantino would not consider her for the lead role in The Movie Critic, if not a supporting opportunity. However, while Olsen will likely reprise her role as Wanda once again, this MCU star holds significant faculty to lead a motion picture as well, and Quentin Tarantino’s final movie could be the best place for her to do so.

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