Why Has Quentin Tarantino Scrapped ‘The Movie Critic’ as His Final Movie?

After a great deal of excitement around the project, The Movie Critic will no longer be Quentin Tarantino‘s final movie. For the last few years, the iconic filmmaker has been adamant that his tenth movie will be his last. So, when he announced that this project would be called The Movie Critic, the entertainment industry was quickly lit up with anticipation, intrigue and excitement.

The Movie Critic was set to follow the life of an irreverent critic in 1970s California who reviews mainstream movies for a porno magazine. Rising star Paul Walter Hauser was set to take on the lead role, and Brad Pitt also boarded the project. However, despite such star power attached to the film, Tarantino has pulled the plug, as reported by Deadline on April 17, 2024. With this news shocking Hollywood, there are many questions left unanswered. So, let’s break down everything we know.

‘The Movie Critic’ Isn’t the First Time Quentin Tarantino Has Abandoned a Movie

Quentin Tarantino Directing The Hateful Eight

Although Quentin Tarantino pulling the plug on The Movie Critic has left many moviegoers disheartened, it’s not a complete shock, seeing as he has done this before. In 2014, Tarantino’s script for The Hateful Eight was kept under tight possession as the movie began its casting process. However, it somehow got into the wrong hands and was subsequently leaked, making its way online for anyone to read. As a result, Tarantino scrapped the movie altogether.

Later in 2014, after some re-writes, Tarantino decided to go ahead with the movie and it was released the following year. Although this alone doesn’t set form for Tarantino in abandoning projects, seeing as he had ample reason to do so, he has done this again since. Over the years, the titan filmmaker has talked at lengths about writing and directing an R-Rated Star Trek movie. However, it never came to fruition. Furthermore, he also once wrote a treatment for a movie called Double V Vega, which would have served as an origin story and prequel to both Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, focusing on the Vega brothers who appear in the opposing movies. Yet, once again, this project was scrapped.

Unveiling the Other Possibilities for Quentin Tarantino’s Final Movie

Could Kill Bill Vol. 3 Be Quentin Tarantino's Final Film?

If you read any interview with Quentin Tarantino or listen to any podcast that he has appeared on, it’s clear that he is an overflowing fountain of unique ideas. In fact, his fictional brain-childs are so abundant that they have begun to transcend into other mediums, as he has now ventured into novels as well as filmmaking. He has also been on record in saying that once he starts writing, he simply can’t stop, so much so that his work has to be cut down significantly when translating to the screen.

With his tenth movie being his final one, it’s easy to see how he could pull the plug on The Movie Critic. After all, this film will close out his legacy, and for that reason, will most-likely be his most scrutinized picture. As of yet, there is no information on what Quentin Tarantino’s final movie will be. In essence, he could go back to the blank page and write a totally new movie. On the other hand, he could return to any of the plethora of projects he has talked about over the years, or the ones he has abandoned.

One notable mention for Quentin Tarantino’s final movie would be Kill Bill Vol. 3. Although it has been two decades since Vol. 2 was released, Tarantino has discussed his ideas at great length for a third entry. In fact, he has even stated that he would like to cast Uma Thurman‘s daughter Maya Hawke alongside her mother, to play an on-screen mother and daughter duo. However, there is a loophole to be dissected here. If Tarantino was to make Kill Bill Vol. 3, technically it would not count as his tenth movie, as the first two volumes were counted as his fourth film cut into two segments. Furthermore, Tarantino has also discussed the fact that he has never made a horror or Sci-fi movie, and stated that if he ever was to make one, it would be an “earthbound” movie. So, perhaps his final movie will exist in the Sci-fi or horror realm.

Will the Filmmaker Venture Into Television Before His Final Movie?

Quentin Tarantino on the set of From Dusk Till Dawn

Although he was one of the biggest filmmakers in the world at the time, in 2005, Quentin Tarantino directed two episodes of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. However, this wasn’t the first time he tried his hand at television. In 1995, he also directed an episode of ER after working with George Clooney on From Dusk Till Dawn and declaring his love of the show to him. This demonstrates that Tarantino is not only a lover of movies, but a doter of all mediums of fiction.

After hammering home that his tenth movie will be his final affair in cinema, Tarantino stated that he will work in other mediums. He has claimed that he will venture into stage work, write more novels and venture into film analysis. On top of this, he announced that he has written an 8-episode mini-series. Initially, the series was set to be filmed in 2023. However, it seems that The Movie Critic took precedent over the show. So, now that Quentin Tarantino’s final movie has been put on the back-burner, it’s highly possible that the legendary filmmaker could make his first leap into TV very soon, especially considering the fact that the series has completed its writing stage. Want to read more about Quentin Tarantino? Here’s our guide to his personal favorite movies.

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