Review – FlashForward Spring Premiere 1.11/1.12 “Revelation Zero”
Long before FlashForward ever aired an episode, it was heralded to be the best replacement show for devotees of the retiring Lost. Perhaps this was unfair. Ei
Long before FlashForward ever aired an episode, it was heralded to be the best replacement show for devotees of the retiring Lost. Perhaps this was unfair. Ei
In case you missed FlashForward‘s recap episode, “What Did You See?” last night, you’ll probably need a bit of a catch-up before the s
Jasper still isn’t dead, which makes me still annoyed. Dixon gets what was coming to him, but gets an even better storyline in return and that girl figh
If anyone thinks that Melrose Place isn’t a great show as well as deserve another season, then they clearly, CLEARLY, missed last night’s episode.
“Recon” defied expectations, but that doesn’t mean it was a stellar episode. It had some flaws (mostly in the disjointedness of the flash-si
This week’s Gossip Girl should have been called “The Parent Trap” Or “Love Doesn’t Cost A Thing” because parental issues r
If you’ve been saving your pennies for the big LOST complete series set, you might need a few less pennies than you thought. Back in January, I posted t
Did you miss last week’s revolutionary episode of Chuck, “Chuck vs. the Beard?” If so, here’s a recap. This week’s Chuck, “
Welcome Back Race Fans!! Time for another recap of this week’s episode of The Amazing Race!! If you recall last week, The Cops, Louie & Michael, hit