Big Brother 14: It’s Official. Our Take on The New Cast and This Season’s New Twists
CBS has finally revealed the cast and twists of Big Brother 14! Is it an all-new cast? Or are some past Big Brother players lurking about?
CBS has finally revealed the cast and twists of Big Brother 14! Is it an all-new cast? Or are some past Big Brother players lurking about?
Maura's (possible) biological mother helps with a murder. Meanwhile, Rizzoli has a nun treating her like a 2nd-grader: her 2nd grade teacher.
The Kanima proved to be the ultimate 'frenemy' on Teen Wolf last night. Is Jackson now a lost cause?
Now that the shooter has been revealed on the final season premiere of Weeds, do you think it was the right person to do the job?
Scott walks out on the family vacation and Kris has a health crises.
A look back at The Legend of Korra, highlighting the parts I loved most about the first season.
As many of you should know, I am a pretty big Falling Skies fan. I enjoy the science fiction genre a lot, especially when it’s played out on television.
Face Off veteran Patrick Tatopolous will be passing the torch to Neville Page for this season of Face Off as he leaves to work on 300: Battle of Artemisia. Sy
Jane by Design welcomes Kate Quimby, Jane's absentee mother returning eight years after abandoning the family. Will she be forgiven?