If You Like Game of Thrones, Should You Read A Song of Ice and Fire?
It’s a question that comes up whenever a movie or show is adapted from a book or comic: Should you read the source material? It’s a complicated is
It’s a question that comes up whenever a movie or show is adapted from a book or comic: Should you read the source material? It’s a complicated is
One of the most beloved characters on CW’s Arrow has been the witty Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) and last night, fans finally got to learn a lot
FX has been pumping out great shows for years now, with series like The Shield, Terriers, and It‘s Always Sunny in Philadelphia proving just how dive
FX has been pumping out great shows for years now, with series like The Shield, Terriers, and It‘s Always Sunny in Philadelphia proving just how diverse and
No matter how you feel about the ending of Lost, there’s no denying that the series was one of the most important shows to air over the course of the pa
Revenge is off to a good start this television season. The fourth season has seen the return of David Clarke (James Tupper) and a small surge in viewers. Aft
For all five of its little-watched seasons on Fox, Fringe was one of my favorite shows on television. It was smart, funny, touching, and, most of all, ambiti
The Mindy Project finally returned last night after some time off for the World Series. Appropriately enough, Mindy’s chronic lateness was a big theme
Well, the first leather-clad domino has fallen on Sons of Anarchy, victim to the ruthless “lessons” of Augustus Marks – and it couldn̵