While there are a lot of new shows that will be debuting this fall, there are also ton of returning ones, as well as shows that are now coming back after havi
Andy Behbakht
July 30, 2015
As much as Frasier might like to associate itself with Shakespeare, “A Mid-Winter Night’s Dream” is a rather simplistic half hour of telev
Randy Dankievitch
July 30, 2015
When I saw the promotional advertisement for Suits before it premiered on June 23 four years ago, I wasn’t too interested in watching it. Sure, I used t
Tiffany C. Lockhart
July 30, 2015
The Originals has always been a show about family, and it was very much all about the Mikaelson family in Season 2 of the CW vampire drama, with both Esther,
Chris King
July 29, 2015
One of the most anticipated new shows of the 2015-2016 TV season is CBS’ Supergirl, the story of Kara Zor-El, who decides after several years of hiding
Andy Behbakht
July 29, 2015
There’s a blueprint for “will they, won’t they” relationships on network television (especially “hangout” comedies): spend
Randy Dankievitch
July 29, 2015
The CW/DC universe is continuing to expand its superhero franchise, and next year, the creative team behind Arrow and The Flash will be launching DCTV’s
Andy Behbakht
July 29, 2015