Credit: Outer Banks/Netflix
Outer Banks has been one of the Netflix teen dramas that have captured those of all ages with its treasure hunting and deceptive themes. The same could easily be said about Stranger Things, and even more so as Stranger Things has become a worldwide phenomenon, and Outer Banks has been a show that’s much more grounded in reality, even if the show was founded on the concept of lost treasure. As the two shows have a home on Netflix and hold a similar demographic, it was no surprise to find out that actors from Outer Banks have appeared in the worldwide phenomenon that has been Stranger Things. Below, we’ve detailed the two Netflix shows, but more importantly, the exciting and unexpected information regarding Outer Banks actors in Stranger Things.

Credit: Outer Banks/Netflix
Outer Banks
Outer Banks started on Netflix over two years ago, on April 15th, 2020, and has had two seasons so far, with season 3 headed our way in February next year. Outer Banks follows residents of a North Carolina area in the Outer Banks region that are separated into two groups, the Kooks and the Pogues, or the wealthy and the not-so-wealthy, as they fight over treasure tied to the area and some residents’ livelihood. Throughout the show so far, the characters have traveled continents, avoided the law, faked their deaths, dealt with death, and so much more. While Outer Banks had captivated audiences in its way, before the actors appeared on Outer Banks with Netflix, two of the main characters appeared separately in Stranger Things. In 2020, a North Carolina teacher, and novelist, filed a lawsuit against Netflix for copyright infringement and requested a trial by jury, as well as seeking damage costs and royalties due to extreme similarities between the two entities and has stated that he promoted the book in Wilmington, North Carolina, a place in which the creators of Outer Banks have cited for inspiration.

Credit: Stranger Things/Netflix
Stranger Things
Like Outer Banks, and as stated above, Netflix has been the home of Outer Banks and Stranger Things since before each show was released, which also may have helped the two actors in both Outer Banks and Stranger Things find work from one to the other. Netflix has been no stranger to casting actors across multiple projects on the platform, likely similar to how early SNL seasons would help cast members find work on other NBC shows following their second season runs, at minimum. For those that somehow don’t know, Stranger Things is a dark teen drama that focuses on a missing boy at the same time that a mysteriously powerful child escaped from a facility that turned her into the ability-wielding girl she has become known as to her group of friends. As Stranger Things has progressed, the darkness within the show has expanded exponentially as well, which can be noted by Season 4’s villain Vecna and the snapping and breaking of bones and necks that he gained pleasure, and power, from doing to innocent townspeople from Hawkins, Indiana. Unfortunately, Netflix has announced that Stranger Things Season 5 will be the show’s final episodes, but as Season 4, Part 1, and Part 2 premiered earlier this year, we could be waiting upwards of two years for the final season of Stranger Things.

Credit: Stranger Things/Netflix
Outer Banks Actors in Stranger Things
As for the combination of actors from Stranger Things and Outer Banks, only two actors from Outer Banks have appeared on Stranger Things, but the exciting part was not only that they weren’t featured together, but the Stranger Things appearances happened before Outer Banks was ever released or expected on Netflix and connected the two actors. The actors that are lead characters in Outer Banks and were featured in at least one scene or episode of Stranger Things include the actors behind Outer Banks characters John B and Sarah Cameron, portrayed by Chase Stokers and Madelyn Cline, respectively. Madelyn Cline had a more monumental role than Chase Stokes in Stranger Things, as she was featured in more than a scene and more than one episode. Although she only appeared in two episodes briefly, Madelyn Cline portrayed the Season 2 character Tina, a fellow student at Hawkins High School and friend of other minor characters on the show, thus leading to her brief appearance. Chase Stokes, on the other hand, who dated Madelyn Cline for slightly over a year earlier in Outer Banks, portrayed a character during Stranger Things Season 1, before Madelyn Cline was in the show, and while his appearance was even briefer than Cline’s, he still made an impression on those that noticed him.
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