10 Things You Didn’t Know about Olivia Kaiser

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Olivia Kaiser

When she signed up to look for love on “Love Island USA,” during the third season, Olivia Kaiser did not know she would be the oldest woman on the show on day one. Of course, that does not mean there will not be more women older than she who might show up at any given point. You just never know how the show will work or how things will go as the season progresses, of course. She’s a woman who has the desire to find love in her life, and she’s already lived a good life on her own. It’s time for the world to get to know Olivia Kaiser as she looks for love in Hawaii.

1. She is 28

She is 28 right now, and she is the oldest woman on the island looking for love. That’s all right, though. It’s not as if 28 is old by any means, but she is someone who has had a little more time to establish herself in her career, to figure out what she wants and does not want, and she’s been single long enough.

2. She is Alaskan

She grew up as far from Hawaii as you can imagine. She grew up not on an island in the middle of the tropics but in the middle of a country that’s often cold, dark, and not known for its big cities and wild nightlife. She is from Anchorage, Alaska, and her life is currently nothing like she thought it might be when she was growing up.

3. She is an Entrepreneur

Olivia Kaiser is a woman with a business of her own. Her business is Live Beautifully (in Arizona). She is a makeup artist who specializes in tattooing permanent makeup onto the faces of her clients. She also does things like brows and more, and she’s good at what she does.

4. She is Professional

She is quick to describe herself as being a professional woman with a responsible attitude, which is just something that often comes with age. She is a business owner who knows that she has a reputation to uphold, and she’s not doing anything in front of her clients and employees that might jeopardize her reputation within that community. By the way, she’s a tattoo artist in the makeup industry.

5. She’s Also Wild

While she does tell the world that she is a professional with a very responsible personality, she also describes herself as being wild and crazy at the same time. It sounds to us as if she is the mullet of the professional world. Business all day and a party at night.

6. She Always Loved Travel

Growing up in Alaska is not really a situation that makes travel easy. It’s not like growing up in Georgia where you can hop in a car and be somewhere like the beaches of Florida in a few hours, the Keys are a quick flight, the Carolinas are a quick drive, Nashville is close, and NYC is only a short flight away. Growing up in Alaska means everything is far, difficult to reach, and a process. She knew she wanted to travel, and she’s doing just that right now.

7. She is Big on Learning

In her line of work, she is always learning. She needs to know what works, what does not work, how she can improve her game, and what she can do to become the best of the best in her industry. She knows that learning never hurts, and it is important for her to give the best of herself and her knowledge to her clients.

8. She is Close to Her Sister

She has a little sister whose name is Katie, and she is so close to her. They are the best of friends, and she is a woman who knows that her sister is the most important. In fact, she wishes that everyone could have someone like her own sister in their lives.

9. She Knows Beauty Comes from Within

It really is such a situation, no? She knows that true beauty comes from within. If you are not happy on the inside, how will you ever find happiness on the outside? She is a woman who recognizes the truth in that, and she wants the world to know that meditation and spending time outdoors are two of the most important things a woman can do for herself.

10. She Has More than One Sister

While we don’t know her sister Lacey’s age, we do know that her sister Katie is not the only sister she has. In fact, she shared wedding photos of her sister Lacey with her new husband and wished her a ton of congratulations back in January of 2019.

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