credit: Breaking Bad
MultiVersus might bring Walter White to the roster. For those wondering what MultiVersus is, that’s simple. The game is akin to Super Smash Bros. in that it utilizes characters from several different stories. But trying to think of how Walter would stack up against several of the characters is kind of interesting.
Not only that, but the fact is that Walter comes from a show that’s far more serious than many of those that are represented. There are characters that do come from adult-themed shows. It’s easy to wonder what Walter would do against so many opponents. Pulling from the WB universe, characters such as Bugs Bunny and Arya Stark round out a cast that’s kind of impressive.
But again, wondering what Walter would do against the likes of so many characters is intriguing. One has to imagine that his attacks would range from strange to WTF, depending on how dark MultiVersus was ready to get. The thing that to remember about Walt is that he’s not as cartoonish as the rest of the cast.
Despite whatever obvious pitfalls might come up with this character, fans are still ready to see it happen.

credit: Breaking Bad
One has to wonder if fans would want to see Jesse
That’s a good question, in all honesty. Jesse and Walt did make a great team, but at this time, it sounds as though WB only wants Walt. Whether Jesse could come up during another conversation is unknown. However, it does make sense, considering that other members from other franchises are in the game.
Jesse would stand out as a very animated individual without any doubt. But there’s still the question of how Walt would fit into this game. Jesse feels as though he would be a complete wild card in the game, much as he was early in the show.
That could end up as a plus though, since Jesse and Walt would stand out in a big way. But how they would be integrated into the game if Jesse made it is tough to imagine. Once again, it’s all about what they would do and how they would do it. Seeing Walt kill someone as he did in Breaking Bad feels like a bit of a stretch.
His attacks and defense are odd to contemplate
So far, a sample cartoon version of Walt looks terrifying. One can only imagine that Jesse might find himself represented as a wild-eyed lunatic or someone who’s been through hell and back.
That might make the game a little more enticing, though. But for the third time, what in the world would he use for an attack? It’s fair to assume that Walt would possess the same basic attacks that many other characters have to keep things fair. Just imagine Walt in a game like Mortal Kombat. That idea at least feels like it would allow Walt and Jesse to unlock their violent sides.
But there’s obviously a way to integrate Walt into this game. That’s what one of the developers happens to think, and it’s fair to state that this person is an authority on the subject.

credit: Breaking Bad
Who would have ever thought of Walter White in a video game
This was one of the last places that one might have expected to see Walter White show up. But the idea is set, and the possibility is likely going to give way to reality sooner rather than later. Fans have wanted to see Walter return in some fashion after his last appearance in the final season of Better Call Saul. It wasn’t certain if this would end up as Walt’s last appearance.
But if MultiVersus brings in this character, it’s easy to think that it will make him stand out in a big way. For one, Walt is a different type of villain. Two, he’s not a toon or super-powered individual that can do much of anything. He’s a regular guy that started cooking an illegal substance. It’s not likely to see Walt’s character tossing out blue nuggets at other players. But one can guess that whoever makes this happen will come up with something.
Sorry fans, there are no other plans for Walt at this time
Apart from this, it doesn’t sound as though Walt is making a comeback any time soon. The famed chemist had his time in the sun when it came to Breaking Bad, and he’s an icon as of now. But apart from a part in a video game, it doesn’t sound as though Walt’s legend is going to expand any further, at least for now.
It’s still an odd choice to bring Walt into a game like this, but it could prove interesting. Of course, it kind of depends on what the developers bring to the game.
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