The Deathstroke Solo Movie Is Gaining Momentum
Curiously, there are reports that Warner Bros. is interesting in having Gareth Evans direct a Deathstroke movie, which is rather surprising considering the li
Movies coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.
Curiously, there are reports that Warner Bros. is interesting in having Gareth Evans direct a Deathstroke movie, which is rather surprising considering the li
For those who have not been paying attention, it is interesting to note that the Dragon Ball franchise has been seeing a serious revival in recent times. The
The critics are beginning to chime in with their picks for movies that will be nominated to win for Best Picture next year. There is only one Oscar given but
This seems like a really odd idea. I understand that the Hunger Games is a popular franchise, I do get that part. It was a decent movie and as I’ve hear
Concentrated works followed by ‘holy craps’ seems to be the best way to say it really. Rian Johnson is directing his first ever Star Wars movie an
Along For The Ride is a documentary detailing the life of famed actor Dennis Hopper. While Hopper passed away in 2010 his story is still one that is set to el
Netflix is quickly becoming the hot spot for documentaries and the popular crime documentaries are part of the influx that is gaining a lot of attention. The
Let’ face it, sometimes that post-credit scene that half the audience never watches is one of the best in a movie. Or, at least one of the most importa
We loved Wall-E when we first met him. He was all alone, a small and adorable robot trash compacter. His work routine wasn’t difficult. He just gathered
When it comes to the world of superhero movies, few voices ring with more authority than Joss Whedon. So when he approves of something, you know that it has