The Top 10 Movie Insults of All-Time
Some insults definitely withstand the test of time and don’t have to be laden with profanity, even though a lot of those happen to be insanely funny as
Movie lists and rankings covering all genres and decades of our favorite movies throughout history.
Some insults definitely withstand the test of time and don’t have to be laden with profanity, even though a lot of those happen to be insanely funny as
Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States, so it’s not surprising that it has been the center of dozens of fills over the years.
Irony has been defined in pop culture and in life in numerous ways, and it’s almost always the ‘duh’ moment that we can speak of with a grea
There’s a reason why Christmas is dubbed as the “most wonderful time of the year”. People seem to be in a lighter and more festive mood, all ready to sp
The fourth wall break has become a treat in cinema since quite a few people have come to love seeing those candid moments when the actors turn to the screen a
Let’s be honest and say that thanks to the human imagination and possibly just plain common sense when it comes to encountering alien life we’re p
The last year and a half has been tough on a lot of people. COVID-19 has directly impacted countless people all over the world. Even many of the people who ma
In the Disney universe, the princesses tend to get most of the credit. However, we all know that no good princess story is complete without a charming prince
Ah, October! A month of PSLs, flannels, cider, and scary scary monsters. Actually, there are a lot of people who find more realistic horror or suspense movies
Quite a few people get voodoo, or Vodou, and hoodoo mixed up since they tend to think that they’re one and the same. One big difference is that Vodou is