Movie Review: ‘Matrix: Resurrections’

Movie Review: ‘Matrix: Resurrections’

Have you put your own comment on Rotten Tomatoes regarding The Matrix: Resurrections yet? I have, and I’ll be honest as I hope many others would be since there was a lot of excitement heading into this movie since not only were there people who were already divided as to whether the trilogy needed a pick me up, but there were those that were ready to dive into the story without a second thought. That’s good in one regard because it indicates that people have been missing being messed with from a mental and psychological standpoint by a movie that promises action at the same time. But it does have a couple of negatives since it indicates fanaticism on a level that makes it clear that some people might still think that there’s more truth to the Matrix than some want to admit. And then there’s the thought that people just wanted to see another Matrix movie and didn’t care what the story was bound to be like. In other words, Pavlov’s rule still applies since Lana Wachowski rang that bell with the expectation that people would come running, and here we are. 

There are criticisms to be made of this movie, and if Wachowski wasn’t expecting this to happen then she was hiding behind her own belief that people would simply be grateful to see another movie. The hope at this time however is that there won’t be another one, especially given the ending of the movie, which I won’t spoil at this time. But yes, there are other spoilers coming. For one, keeping Neo and Trinity ‘alive’ doesn’t make a lot of sense from the standpoint of the machines, since there was always a good chance that they would find each other, and if the issue of their combined power was enough to get the machines to keep them apart, keeping them removed from the Matrix itself would make a lot more sense. But as one can expect, there was a lot more exposition to go along with the frantic action that popped off from time to time. 

The idea that choice is an illusion, that everything is a matter of habit and that we’re predestined to do what’s expected of us, is constantly challenged in this movie as much as it was in the other movies, swirling around some cosmic sinkhole that many people often don’t tend to see or even feel as they seek a meaning that is or isn’t there. This type of movie can cause a lot of debates concerning the reality we perceive and that which we’re shown, making people wonder if we’re just a simulation that is being conducted to see how things will turn out if one program or another is introduced at a certain time and in one way or another. And yes, there were several moments that were quite noticeable as a call to the transgender issues that people face today since the place where Neo was essentially ‘trapped’ was titled Binary. His entire belief that the original trilogy was a game that he created was a nice twist, as it made him question his entire reality, as well as those that would eventually come to spring him from the life that had been imposed upon him. 

It’s very easy to think that any debate brought up about this movie will feature those stating that “This person didn’t fully understand the point of the movie” since like it or not, this movie is a two and a half hour delve into existentialism that gripped the original trilogy and questioned reality at every turn while operating from one perspective or another. In other words, The Matrix, from the first movie to now, has been a giant reality check with several other biases and personal additions blended in to indicate the state of mind of the creators. This latter part is normal, it happens with every creation since the creator will put a piece of themselves into the creation in order to push their own agenda, whether they admit it or not. While there’s nothing wrong with it in the least, there are moments when it becomes worth an eye roll. 

Trying to get into this movie wasn’t difficult, since whether people want to hear it or not, a lot of us have felt as though we were in the wrong place in life at times, that things weren’t right, that something was just…off. But from the constant use of old footage to the fact that the movie felt as though it tripped just as it was becoming something great, Matrix: Resurrections feels as though it could have been propelled in a direction. It was a fun movie and had plenty of action, even if the swarm mode replaced the idea of people turning into agents, but this time around it felt too much like a video game and less like a movie. 

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