Modern Family Season 6 is Shaping Up to be the Worst Season Ever And It Needs Our Help

So we’re three episodes into Modern Family Season 6 and the exact fear I had two seasons ago is coming to fruition. It’s the same fear that every viewer gets when a show moves past a certain point (usually the 3rd or 4th season): that the show is getting stale. In the case of Modern Family, the writing is still excellent and they’ve even managed to keep the story lines fresh. However, there’s just something different about the show this year and I think it’s become obvious to all of those that watch it. Father time has stepped in and the kids just aren’t cute or funny anymore. Now, this doesn’t mean the show can’t make it. It doesn’t mean they can’t fix it. Believe me, they can. But in order to do so, we need to take a look at each character in the Modern Family cast to decide what needs to be done to save this show from falling off of everyone’s radar. So let’s dive in:
Jay Pritchett – Ed O’Neill
OK, I have zero complaints about Jay. Brilliantly played by Ed O’Neill, he’s the perfect patriarch. He’s an uber-male, makes a ton of money, has the trophy wife, a step son he’s doing the best he can with, a new son that’s just way younger than him, and a family that he needs to try and keep on track nearly every episode. And he does it well. Despite all the madness, Jay is a loving guy and even though his head spins at most of the things his family does, he is their hero and will always come to their aid. To me, Jay is the character that Al Bundy always wanted to be and O’Neill clearly nails his role. There’s nothing that needs to be done with this character at all. If anything let’s get some more awkward moments between him and Phil and times where Manny really annoys him.
Gloria Pritchett – Sofia Vergara
Vergara has proven that she’s not just a pretty face. Gloria has evolved over the years from being just this hot Colombian wife to being absolutely hilarious and poignant. Vergara uses her beauty in both a seductive but also comedic and intelligent fashion that’s earned her the respect of her critics and admiration of her fans. I wouldn’t change too much about Gloria’s character. I wouldn’t, however, mind seeing her as a brunette again. But Vergara’s character is just fine. I will say this. We need WAY more of her and Phil sharing screen time. His little crush on her is one of the funniest things on the show.
Claire Dunphy – Julie Bowen
Bowen’s always been great as Claire. I’m not sure how big a fan I am of her as a working mom these days. And that’s not to be sexist. It’s just not nearly as entertaining as her trying to juggle her household of children and husband. The problem with this, as the show addressed, is that the kids got older and they had no choice to but to evolve her character. There wasn’t much the show could do here but I think her character suffered as a result. She’s still that funny, competitive super mom type, but there’s less chance for humor with her. The whole Vertigo thing wasn’t funny at all this week.
Phil Dunphy – Ty Burrell
It’s hard to criticize Ty Burrell’s character Phil Dunphy at all. Burrell still does a great job as the charismatic, cheesy father and real estate broker. However, one of the key components of the show is his relationship to his children. The children are getting older and the moments between Phil and Luke just aren’t funny anymore. It’s not Phil’s fault. It’s that Luke is older and just not a good actor. Thankfully we still have his relationship to Jay and Gloria to fall back on. That should always make for some good humor but I think we need more of it.
Mitchell Pritchett – Jesse Tyler Furgeson
I never really thought that Mitchell was too impactful a character even though I like Furgeson. He’s solid in his role. If anything, maybe they could have his character make fun of his partner Cam more? I think those moments are always pretty funny. That and his funny relationship to Jay and Claire. Let’s get more sibling rivalry and him trying to get Jay to accept him more.
Cameron Tucker – Eric Stonestreet
It’s hard to criticize Cam much but I’m just not as interested in his character as I used to be. He still has the same quips, outbursts, and hilarious moments as he used to but they’re just not that funny anymore. Plus I think I liked him better as a homemaker instead of a football coach. In that role he had better moments with Mitch and Lily. Think about how funny it was when he made that Princess house for Lily, the kids parties, all that stuff from years ago. And the lovey dovey stuff with Mitch this season is kind of overblown. I understand that the show wants to hold nothing back about their partnership and marriage but there’s no need to go overboard. The whole tons of flowers and ultra celebration pf their marriage every single day thing? While it’s within Cam to act this way, I could use a little less of it. It was much more genuine when Cam and Mitchell had their romantic conversations and moments like in the episode where Cam turns 40. That was extremely well done.
Manny Delgado – Rico Rodriguez
When everyone first saw Manny, they loved how cute he was. There was a very Fred Savage Wonder Years type of vibe with this kid. Unfortunately Rico Rodriguez is in the peak of puberty and his once cute mature character just doesn’t do it for the audience anymore. The whole “I’ve got class and sophistication” is 100 times cuter when the character is just a chubby cute kid, not when he’s a voice cracking teen trying to live his life at home and in high school. This isn’t Rico’s fault but his acting isn’t helping his cause either. Most times it seems like he’s reading from cue cards.
Luke Dunphy – Nolan Gould
Who misses this kid? I sure do. How awesome was Luke when he was just a kid and had these funny adult like lines? His relationship to Phil and his family was what was so great about this character. I feel like classic Luke is when he had that old guy neighbor friend. That was just great and times when I loved watching this character. Now he’s just awkward and pubescent. It’s not flattering to the show. We need to tone down Luke’s involvement in the show and Nolan truly needs an acting coach.
Haley Dunphy – Sarah Hyland
Hyland’s always been excellent as Haley Dunphy. I don’t think she or her character needs to change anything. If anything she’s the best actress of all the “kids” and we need to see her more. Especially with the babysitter Andy which I’m glad to see the show is developing more. Oh, and let’s not forget we really need to bring Dillon back. I’ll get to that.
Alex Dunphy – Ariel Winter
I think the show needs to acknowledge that Ariel Winter happens to be attractive. They’re really beating the whole “I’m nerdy and not hot” thing to death. Stop making her character blown away by nerdy guys. One of the great things about her character is her intelligence. Use that intelligence to make her more like Gloria and get into more battles with her sister. I’d like to see Alex develop more into a much smarter version of Haley controlling the family in any way she sees fit. She actually did that as a child with her siblings. No reason she can’t use those powers on the adults.
Lily Tucker Pritchett – Aubrey Emmons
Lily’s lines were so amazingly perfect when she was just a little itty bitty child. Who doesn’t love tiny kids with adult lines? The problem is that Lily is now older and it’s just not funny anymore. This isn’t Emmons’ fault but it is what it is. Plus she could use an acting coach as well.
Dylan – Reid Ewing
We need this guy back. Period.
Andy – Adam Devine
We need more of this guy. Period.
Related: ABC
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