credit: Batman: The Animated Series
Mark Hamill isn’t returning as the Joker, and it’s for a sentimental reason. Since taking on the voice of the clown prince back in the early 90s, Hamill has been closely associated with the character. But without Kevin Conroy, who played the voice of Batman, Hamill doesn’t feel it would be right.
Conroy passed after a battle with cancer in November of 2022, having never fully revealed that he was ill. Hamill has stated that taking on the role of the Joker at this juncture is not in his plans. After realizing how long he and Conroy had worked together, it’s very easy to see why Hamill would say such a thing.
Working so closely with someone for so long often creates a strong bond that is hard to replace. When Conry passed away, it was easy to assume that this would affect those who worked closely with him. Hamill has opted to step away from the franchise at this time, as working without Conroy is understandably bound to be tough.
Fans are sorry to hear this. But it’s very easy to think that Hamill is doing what he feels is right. His stint as the Joker has lasted for quite some time. But trying to vibe with a new person would present a challenge.

credit: Batman: Arkham
Hamill is thought to be the best Joker
The fact is that while several people have portrayed the Joker, Hamill is considered to be elite. His laugh and his voice worked perfectly for the animated series and became iconic to the legend of Batman. But it’s fair to state that he needed Conroy as much as Conroy needed him. For some reason, Joker and Batman clicked in a way that was unprecedented.
Many franchises have heroes and villains that go together. But Batman and the Joker have been iconic for so long that fans expect them to be seen together. While the animated series is bound to keep the two around, the matter of who will voice them is unclear. Hamill has been the gold standard for the Joker.
As of now, though, his explanation for not taking on the voice role again is easy to understand.
After three decades of playing the character, it might be time to let it go
It’s possible that Hamill would have continued had Conroy not passed away. That’s a what-if that won’t be answered at this moment, however. But after three decades of voicing the same character, it could also be time to move on.
Having become such a widely-respected individual due to a couple of different franchises, Hamill has nothing to prove. He’s done so much for the fans that it’s easy to state that he deserves to move on. What he’ll do following this is uncertain, but no matter what it is, one can guess that he’ll be great at it.
For someone that was largely unknown when he first got started, Hamill has become a legend.

credit: Batman: The Animated Series
Several actors have taken on the role of the Joker
From Cesar Romero to Joaquin Phoenix, there have been many people that have taken this role. Not all of them have seen as much success as others. But Hamill has gone down in history already as one of the best. While his role as a voice actor in this matter is not always taken into account, it still makes him one of the best.
Trying to compare to the campy nature of Jack Nicholson in the 1989 movie or the wild and over-the-edge version by Heath Ledger in 2008 is tough. Each actor that’s taken on the role of the Joker has put their own spin on it. But Hamill has still managed to stand out in a big way.
With this announcement that he’s going to step down from the role, it’s fair to say that fans are going to expect someone just as skilled to assume the role. That might be a tall order. After all, Hamill has been dependable for a long time. But it’s still very likely that someone will be found. Plenty of actors would love this chance.
Moving forward, it’s hard to say who will master this character next
The Joker is kind of a tough character to nail down. His particular brand of crazy is easy to interpret in many different ways. Mark Hamill managed to perfect this character after a while, and it’s easy to think someone else will.
The Joker will endure even if Mark Hamill doesn’t return to the role. Fans are undoubtedly grateful that he’s been around for so long, but his decision not to move on without Conroy is very easy to accept. Someone will step into the role, and with any luck, the Joker will continue onward in the same impressive fashion.
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